A Simple Plugin to use Google Analytics with jQuery.
You don't need to put you tracking in the head
anymore, just initialize the Plugin with your Tracking-ID.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
trackingCode | string | '' | Tracking Code of Google Analytics |
elements | array | [] | Array of Objects for specialized event tracking |
selector | string | '' | Selector for Element to track |
category | string | '' | A Category for the Event |
event | string | '' | Eventname e.g. click, play, hover |
attrLabel | string | '' | Attribute of Selected Element, if this does not exist just the label |
optOutClass | string | '.disableAnalytics' | Selector for OptOut |
optOutCallback | function | null | Callback called after click on optout-button |
import jQuery from 'jquery';
import 'googleAnalytics';
trackingCode: 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X',
elements: [
selector: '.accept',
category: 'Accept clicked',
event: 'click',
attrLabel: 'attrLabel'
}, {
selector: 'ul li a.foo',
category: 'Nav clicked',
event: 'click',
attrLabel: 'href'
optOutClass: '.disableAnalytics',
optOutCallback: _ => alert('Analytics disabled')