The folder src
contains the openSCAD
-files to create different sized assorter boxes,
each subfolder contains the files for a more-or-less specific use-case.
The rendered stl
-Files are contained in the folder stl
grouped by use-case.
At this moment these pre-defined versions are contained:
- Base: Assortment boxes with 55x55x75mm for general use
- drawer:
- boxes for small drawers with ~64x120mm size
- mini: 30x30x33mm -> 2 by 4 boxes in each drawer
- micro: 20x20x33mm -> 3 by 6 boxes in each drawer
- add pictures and more documentation to the Project
- add render script to create stl files for all predefined Setups
- Features for stapling?
- Features to cut big boxes into printable parts and to be glued together
I use VisualStudio code with the OpenSCAD-Extension to work with OpenSCAD.
This code is quite messy as I am still learning how to properly use OpenSCAD. Some variable-names are not quite a got pick also. I still want to publish this code in this state because I learned a lot from other peoples code. If you have some recommendations/Ideas/Issues do not hesitate to write me a message or open an Issue/Pull-Request here. I am happy to discuss and learn something new ;-D
This work is licensed under I'm still very happy if you mention me or link to this repostitory ;-D