is a small utility to tail logs from multiple Kubernetes pods.
requires Python 3.8+ and kubectl
available in your shell.
$ pip install tailk
$ brew update
$ brew tap ffaraone/birre
$ brew install ffaraone/birre/tailk
$ tailk pattern1 [...]
where pattern1
is any valid Python regular expression.
Multiple patterns are combined with a logical
You may want to highlight portions of the log. In this case you can provide highlighting patterns in the following way:
$ tailk pattern1 --highlight hl-pattern-1 [--highlight hl-pattern-2]
where hl-pattern-1
is any valid Python regular expression.
You can also customize the style for highlight. In this case your patterns must be specified using named capturing groups
$ tailk pattern1 --highlight "(?P<hello>HELLO)" --style "hello:underline magenta"
is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.