ApiRestClient is a simple Lib to talk with API Rest.
This project was created to communicate with API CustoJusto.pt, by security reasons some data was omited. The user is free to use and make changes to communicate with other API.
- Use Httpful Rest Client Lib (http://phphttpclient.com/)
- Use most popular HTTP methods (GET/POST/UPDATE/DELETE)
- Do CRUD operations
Examples with CURL:
curl -i -X POST "https://api......./v0/entries" -H "Authorization: Token token=XxxXXxxXxXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' { "title": "Escritório com 250m2 no Marquês", "description": "Fabuloso escritório com 250m2 no centro de Lisboa com ótimos acessos...", "type_id": "sell", "category_id": 1020, "image_ids": [13123123, 3123123, 231232, 2345356, 7867867], "location": { "region_id": 14, "zipcode": "1000", "area_id": 220 }, "partner_info": { "ad_id": "7", "group_id": "gg-45" }, "parameters": { "rooms": 6, "size": 25 } }'
Getting Data curl -i -X GET "https://apidev......./v0/types" -H "Authorization: Token token=XxxXXxxXxXXX"
List an entry curl -i -X GET "https://apidev....../v0/entries/12495697" -H "Authorization: Token token=XxxXXxxXxXXX"