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The conversion algorithm

Damiano Ferrari edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

The conversion as a tree

I imagined the conversion task as a tree: there is a root node that can be the main unit of a certain property (e.g. the meter for the length property). The meter node is connected to centimeters node, kilometers node, etc. The connection between two units are represented by some values:

  • A product coefficient: coefficientProduct
  • A sum coefficient: coefficientSum
  • A conversion type: conversionType

Let's go in depth. Let x be the known value of the child node (e.g. x = 1 centimeter) and y the converted value from the child node, i.e. the value of the parent node (e.g. y are meters). If we want to convert 1 centimeter to meters, we have to multiply x=1 by 0.01. In general a linearConversion is in the form: y=ax+b. In this example a=0.01 and b=0. On the other hand a reciprocalConversion is expressed like: y=(1/a)*x+b, and so on and so forth.

Why a conversion tree? Because it is the natural way we express the conversions: we say that a foot is 12 inch and not a foot is 0.3048 meters.

Here's an example of a conversion tree:

  • Meters
    • Centimeters
      • Inch
        • Feet
    • Nautical miles
    • Yards
      • Miles
    • ...

In the code this tree is almost the same:

Node(name: LENGTH.meters, leafNodes: [
  Node(coefficientProduct: 0.01, name: LENGTH.centimeters, leafNodes: [
    Node(coefficientProduct: 2.54, name: LENGTH.inches, leafNodes: [
        coefficientProduct: 12.0,
        name: LENGTH.feet,
        coefficientProduct: 1e-3,
        name: LENGTH.mils,
    coefficientProduct: 1852.0,
    name: LENGTH.nauticalMiles,
  Node(coefficientProduct: 0.9144, name: LENGTH.yards, leafNodes: [
      coefficientProduct: 1760.0,
      name: LENGTH.miles,
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