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Google Container Registry image lifecycle policy - retention


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GCR Retention policy

This simple golang CLI tool is handling retention policy of images in Google Container Registry (and Google Artifact Registry for Docker) in a similar manner as Elastic Container Registry does (original blogpost talking about the details here)

It scans all the Docker registry images (it supports paths like and fetches their tags using Docker v2 API. Then it deletes some of them based on parametrized filters and input GKE clusters.

Retention policy configuration

Using --cluster path/to/kubeconfig it queries all pods and replicasets in the GKE cluster and prevents these image tags before deleting.

$ gcr cleanup --help
  gcr cleanup [flags]

      --dry-run         dry-run for images cleaning (default true)
  -h, --help            help for cleanup
      --keep-tags int   number of tags to keep per image (default 10)
      --retention int   number of days of retention to keep images (default 365)

Global Flags:
      --cluster string      kubeconfig path (default "/Users/marek/.kube/config")
      --creds string        credential file (default "./creds/serviceaccount.json")
      --log-level string    log level (default "ERROR")
      --registry string     GCR url to use (default "")
      --repos stringArray   list of repos you want to work with
      --sort-by string      field to sort images by (default "timeCreatedMs")

TIP: For Google Artifact Registry use --sort-by="timeUploadedMs"

WARNING: This is an alpha version! Be very careful using this in production.

How to build it

make dep
make build

How to run it

Provision GCP IAM service account

serviceaccount.json is a json key of IAM service account called gcr-retention-policy that has these roles

Kubernetes Engine Cluster Viewer
Kubernetes Engine Developer
Kubernetes Engine Service Agent
Storage Object Admin
Artifact Registry Repository Administrator

Run it

make build && ./bin/gcr --help

How to Build and Run using Docker

  • get a copy of the Dockerfile (no need to clone the full repo)

  • build the docker in the usual way

    docker build -t gcr:latest ./

    note: if you are using macOS with the new M1 cpu(arm64), you need to force the usage of amd64 images, as some dependencies of gcr are not yet available for arm64

    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t gcr:latest ./
  • create a IAM service account and get a json key for it (see Provision GCP IAM service account)

  • create kubeconfig.yaml as per this post from ahmet on gcp headless authentication
    on the below code snippet, replace [CLUSTER] and [ZONE] with the appropriate values from your GKE cluster
    GET_CMD="gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER] --zone=[ZONE]"
    cat > kubeconfig.yaml <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Config
    current-context: my-cluster
    contexts: [{name: my-cluster, context: {cluster: cluster-1, user: user-1}}]
    users: [{name: user-1, user: {auth-provider: {name: gcp}}}]
    - name: cluster-1
        server: "https://$(eval "$GET_CMD --format='value(endpoint)'")"
        certificate-authority-data: "$(eval "$GET_CMD
  • place both serviceaccount.json and kubeconfig.yaml in ~/.gcr

  • use gcr from your CLI

    docker run -it --rm \
      -v $HOME/.gcr/serviceaccount.json:/root/creds/serviceaccount.json \
      -v $HOME/.gcr/kubeconfig.yaml:/root/.kube/config \
      gcr <gcr commands and flags>
  • or, alternatively, get a shell inside the gcr docker and run gcr commands from there

    docker run -it --rm \
      -v $HOME/.gcr/serviceaccount.json:/root/creds/serviceaccount.json \
      -v $HOME/.gcr/kubeconfig.yaml:/root/.kube/config \
      --entrypoint /bin/bash \

gcr cleanup without kubeconfig

If you want to nuke old images without checking if they're currently used in a cluster you can do so by setting --cluster="". When using this "dummy mode" your IAM service account doesn't need any Kubernetes Engine roles listed above.


  • release binary to Github Release
  • release docker image to Docker Hub
  • try to make use of
  • support Cloud Run in --cluster (not it supports only GKE)
  • prepare example deployment for Cloud Scheduler + Cloud Run (or Cloud Functions)
  • make the horrible code a bit less horrible and more reusable

deprecation info

this tool used bash/jq before and the code is still kept here. I will not continue maintaining the bash/jq version but focus purely in the new one in Go.


Google Container Registry image lifecycle policy - retention







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  • Go 92.5%
  • Shell 3.4%
  • Makefile 2.2%
  • Dockerfile 1.9%