Fernando Ramallo | SFPC Fall 2019 [email protected] TA: Stefan Pelikan
Subversive software / computers as a malleable material / Tool-making as creative practice
- 10am to 1pm - Class
- 2pm to 4pm - Office Hours with Fernando.
- Intro to tools Reference (lots of links)
- Code for Class 1: Drawing
- Code for Class 2: Text
- Code for Class 3: Saving
Intro to radical creative software. We'll make a drawing app from scratch and add strange/wonderful features for the user.
- Become a Great Artist in 10 seconds by Michael Brough, Andi McClure - abstract manipulator
- Electric Zine Maker by Natalie Lawhead zine making
- BFXR by increpare - create sound effects with lots of sliders
- Bosca Ceoil by terry cavanagh- music editor
- Add three tools to your drawing app (randomized brush, stamps, etc.). Have someone else use it and bring back 3 drawings they made to show the class.
We'll look at some text-based creative tools and make interactive poetry tools.
- Creative Writer 2
- http://www.wordpalette.io/
- David Bowie's Verbasizer
- Create a one page text (short poem, story, etc.) made in your own tool. Add brushes or editor features to create the writing or visual style you want.
We'll look at tools that have communities around them and learn how to serialize our tool's state to share it easily with a URL.
- Gather what you've learnt and add more features to your tool, release it online and win internet points
- https://picrew.me/
- https://sokpop.itch.io/sok-stories
- https://ledoux.itch.io/bitsy
- https://www.flickgame.org/
- PICO-8 by lexaloffle - virtual games console with built-in editor