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fenilgmehta committed Aug 11, 2019
1 parent c0dd81f commit 1465e0f
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Showing 3 changed files with 246 additions and 0 deletions.
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions graphs_and_analysis/Graphs_v3/time_comparision_128_1562500.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@

** **
** B O O S T S O R T **
** **
** O B J E C T S B E N C H M A R K **
** **

= --------------------- =
= =
= The objects are arrays of 64 bits numbers =
= They are compared in two ways : =
= (H) Heavy : The comparison is the sum of all the numbers =
= of the array =
= (L) Light : The comparison is with the first element of =
= the array, as a key =
= =

** **
1562500 OBJECTS UINT64_T [128]
** **

[ 1 ] std::sort [ 2 ] pdqsort [ 3 ] std::stable_sort
[ 4 ] spinsort [ 5 ] flat_stable_sort [ 6 ] spreadsort
[ 7 ] timsort [ 8 ] skasort [ 9 ] timsort with swapping optimization

| [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ] | [ 6 ] | [ 7 ] | [ 8 ] | [ 9 ] |
| H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L |
random | 4.93 2.10| 2.55 0.83| 5.50 5.17| 2.96 1.98| 2.81 1.62| 1.93 0.52| 4.48 3.27| 1.63 1.20| 2.64 0.66|
| | | | | | | | | |
sorted | 5.15 1.52| 0.55 0.03| 5.28 5.01| 0.18 0.01| 0.18 0.01| 0.18 0.01| 0.20 0.01| 1.29 0.96| 0.19 0.02|
sorted + 0.1% end | 6.08 1.50| 0.92 0.05| 5.30 5.05| 1.06 0.70| 0.24 0.03| 1.04 0.18| 0.23 0.02| 1.31 0.95| 0.22 0.03|
sorted + 1% end | 5.70 1.69| 0.88 0.05| 5.39 5.16| 1.11 0.69| 0.24 0.03| 0.91 0.17| 0.24 0.02| 1.29 0.96| 0.25 0.04|
sorted + 10% end | 5.95 1.83| 0.70 0.05| 5.76 5.44| 1.40 0.93| 0.33 0.09| 1.02 0.19| 0.33 0.06| 1.42 1.07| 0.31 0.07|
| | | | | | | | | |
sorted + 0.1% mid | 7.24 2.78| 2.47 0.03| 5.36 4.97| 2.54 0.01| 0.85 0.01| 1.73 0.01| 0.57 0.01| 1.28 0.55| 0.32 0.02|
sorted + 1% mid | 6.31 2.80| 2.45 0.03| 5.43 5.06| 2.58 0.01| 1.13 0.01| 1.71 0.01| 0.61 0.01| 1.30 0.56| 0.36 0.02|
sorted + 10% mid | 5.56 3.06| 2.47 0.03| 5.85 5.49| 2.91 0.01| 1.30 0.01| 1.41 0.02| 1.08 0.01| 1.56 0.61| 0.76 0.02|
| | | | | | | | | |
reverse sorted | 4.29 1.64| 0.60 0.24| 5.37 5.11| 1.61 1.23| 1.39 0.92| 1.56 0.49| 1.04 0.82| 1.47 1.16| 0.54 0.36|
rv sorted + 0.1% end| 7.02 2.55| 2.17 0.41| 5.33 5.12| 1.57 1.24| 1.12 0.71| 1.51 0.49| 1.03 0.82| 1.46 1.17| 0.56 0.37|
rv sorted + 1% end| 5.98 2.28| 2.20 0.42| 5.40 5.25| 1.60 1.29| 1.14 0.73| 1.51 0.49| 1.05 0.84| 1.49 1.22| 0.59 0.38|
rv sorted + 10% end| 5.58 2.26| 2.21 0.46| 5.84 5.62| 1.89 1.44| 1.33 0.76| 1.55 0.51| 1.12 0.84| 1.64 1.30| 0.64 0.41|
| | | | | | | | | |
rv sorted + 0.1% mid| 7.31 2.74| 1.00 0.03| 5.40 4.97| 3.55 0.01| 1.46 0.01| 1.51 0.01| 2.46 0.01| 1.46 0.55| 0.60 0.02|
rv sorted + 1% mid| 6.40 2.75| 0.99 0.03| 5.46 5.01| 3.61 0.01| 2.37 0.01| 1.54 0.01| 2.53 0.01| 1.49 0.56| 0.65 0.02|
rv sorted + 10% mid| 5.80 3.04| 1.04 0.03| 6.04 5.60| 3.97 0.01| 2.50 0.02| 1.65 0.02| 3.20 0.01| 1.64 0.62| 1.16 0.02|

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L |
random ,4.93 ,2.10 ,2.55 ,0.83 ,5.50 ,5.17 ,2.96 ,1.98 ,2.81 ,1.62 ,1.93 ,0.52 ,4.48 ,3.27 ,1.63 ,1.20 ,2.64 ,0.66 ,
sorted ,5.15 ,1.52 ,0.55 ,0.03 ,5.28 ,5.01 ,0.18 ,0.01 ,0.18 ,0.01 ,0.18 ,0.01 ,0.20 ,0.01 ,1.29 ,0.96 ,0.19 ,0.02 ,
sorted + 0.1% end ,6.08 ,1.50 ,0.92 ,0.05 ,5.30 ,5.05 ,1.06 ,0.70 ,0.24 ,0.03 ,1.04 ,0.18 ,0.23 ,0.02 ,1.31 ,0.95 ,0.22 ,0.03 ,
sorted + 1% end ,5.70 ,1.69 ,0.88 ,0.05 ,5.39 ,5.16 ,1.11 ,0.69 ,0.24 ,0.03 ,0.91 ,0.17 ,0.24 ,0.02 ,1.29 ,0.96 ,0.25 ,0.04 ,
sorted + 10% end ,5.95 ,1.83 ,0.70 ,0.05 ,5.76 ,5.44 ,1.40 ,0.93 ,0.33 ,0.09 ,1.02 ,0.19 ,0.33 ,0.06 ,1.42 ,1.07 ,0.31 ,0.07 ,
sorted + 0.1% mid ,7.24 ,2.78 ,2.47 ,0.03 ,5.36 ,4.97 ,2.54 ,0.01 ,0.85 ,0.01 ,1.73 ,0.01 ,0.57 ,0.01 ,1.28 ,0.55 ,0.32 ,0.02 ,
sorted + 1% mid ,6.31 ,2.80 ,2.45 ,0.03 ,5.43 ,5.06 ,2.58 ,0.01 ,1.13 ,0.01 ,1.71 ,0.01 ,0.61 ,0.01 ,1.30 ,0.56 ,0.36 ,0.02 ,
sorted + 10% mid ,5.56 ,3.06 ,2.47 ,0.03 ,5.85 ,5.49 ,2.91 ,0.01 ,1.30 ,0.01 ,1.41 ,0.02 ,1.08 ,0.01 ,1.56 ,0.61 ,0.76 ,0.02 ,
reverse sorted ,4.29 ,1.64 ,0.60 ,0.24 ,5.37 ,5.11 ,1.61 ,1.23 ,1.39 ,0.92 ,1.56 ,0.49 ,1.04 ,0.82 ,1.47 ,1.16 ,0.54 ,0.36 ,
rv sorted + 0.1% end ,7.02 ,2.55 ,2.17 ,0.41 ,5.33 ,5.12 ,1.57 ,1.24 ,1.12 ,0.71 ,1.51 ,0.49 ,1.03 ,0.82 ,1.46 ,1.17 ,0.56 ,0.37 ,
rv sorted + 1% end ,5.98 ,2.28 ,2.20 ,0.42 ,5.40 ,5.25 ,1.60 ,1.29 ,1.14 ,0.73 ,1.51 ,0.49 ,1.05 ,0.84 ,1.49 ,1.22 ,0.59 ,0.38 ,
rv sorted + 10% end ,5.58 ,2.26 ,2.21 ,0.46 ,5.84 ,5.62 ,1.89 ,1.44 ,1.33 ,0.76 ,1.55 ,0.51 ,1.12 ,0.84 ,1.64 ,1.30 ,0.64 ,0.41 ,
rv sorted + 0.1% mid ,7.31 ,2.74 ,1.00 ,0.03 ,5.40 ,4.97 ,3.55 ,0.01 ,1.46 ,0.01 ,1.51 ,0.01 ,2.46 ,0.01 ,1.46 ,0.55 ,0.60 ,0.02 ,
rv sorted + 1% mid ,6.40 ,2.75 ,0.99 ,0.03 ,5.46 ,5.01 ,3.61 ,0.01 ,2.37 ,0.01 ,1.54 ,0.01 ,2.53 ,0.01 ,1.49 ,0.56 ,0.65 ,0.02 ,
rv sorted + 10% mid ,5.80 ,3.04 ,1.04 ,0.03 ,6.04 ,5.60 ,3.97 ,0.01 ,2.50 ,0.02 ,1.65 ,0.02 ,3.20 ,0.01 ,1.64 ,0.62 ,1.16 ,0.02 ,

Averages = [89.3, 34.54, 23.2, 2.72, 82.71, 78.03, 32.54, 9.57, 18.39, 4.97, 20.76, 3.13, 20.17, 6.76, 21.73, 13.44, 9.79, 2.46]
Best = [9.79, 2.46]

Array length = 1562500
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions graphs_and_analysis/Graphs_v3/time_comparision_512_390625.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@

** **
** B O O S T S O R T **
** **
** O B J E C T S B E N C H M A R K **
** **

= --------------------- =
= =
= The objects are arrays of 64 bits numbers =
= They are compared in two ways : =
= (H) Heavy : The comparison is the sum of all the numbers =
= of the array =
= (L) Light : The comparison is with the first element of =
= the array, as a key =
= =

** **
390625 OBJECTS UINT64_T [512]
** **

[ 1 ] std::sort [ 2 ] pdqsort [ 3 ] std::stable_sort
[ 4 ] spinsort [ 5 ] flat_stable_sort [ 6 ] spreadsort
[ 7 ] timsort [ 8 ] skasort [ 9 ] timsort with swapping optimization

| [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ] | [ 6 ] | [ 7 ] | [ 8 ] | [ 9 ] |
| H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L |
random | 4.08 1.74| 2.14 0.62| 5.00 4.77| 3.03 1.97| 2.75 1.54| 1.78 0.34| 4.04 3.21| 1.32 0.94| 1.91 0.47|
| | | | | | | | | |
sorted | 4.04 1.20| 0.82 0.01| 4.72 4.58| 0.20 0.00| 0.17 0.00| 0.17 0.00| 0.17 0.00| 1.12 0.66| 0.17 0.01|
sorted + 0.1% end | 6.94 1.22| 1.88 0.02| 4.69 4.53| 1.13 0.68| 0.38 0.01| 1.24 0.06| 0.26 0.01| 1.26 0.66| 0.29 0.01|
sorted + 1% end | 6.57 1.25| 1.84 0.02| 4.73 4.61| 1.20 0.70| 0.39 0.02| 1.04 0.06| 0.30 0.01| 1.29 0.67| 0.35 0.02|
sorted + 10% end | 6.56 1.53| 1.88 0.03| 5.19 5.03| 1.46 0.96| 0.48 0.08| 1.01 0.07| 0.42 0.05| 1.57 0.76| 0.42 0.05|
| | | | | | | | | |
sorted + 0.1% mid | 5.75 2.32| 2.10 0.01| 4.71 4.56| 2.38 0.00| 0.73 0.00| 1.50 0.00| 0.55 0.00| 1.22 0.19| 0.30 0.00|
sorted + 1% mid | 4.92 2.33| 2.04 0.01| 4.75 4.67| 2.34 0.00| 1.13 0.00| 1.47 0.00| 0.62 0.00| 1.28 0.20| 0.34 0.01|
sorted + 10% mid | 4.74 2.97| 2.16 0.01| 5.38 5.16| 2.75 0.00| 1.35 0.00| 1.30 0.00| 1.07 0.00| 1.48 0.22| 0.76 0.01|
| | | | | | | | | |
reverse sorted | 3.58 1.45| 1.90 0.20| 5.18 4.78| 1.81 1.28| 1.20 0.93| 1.38 0.38| 1.12 0.80| 1.37 0.92| 0.51 0.31|
rv sorted + 0.1% end| 3.74 1.98| 1.58 0.34| 4.87 4.77| 1.73 1.25| 1.11 0.71| 1.33 0.38| 1.09 0.79| 1.35 0.91| 0.49 0.31|
rv sorted + 1% end| 3.52 1.94| 1.56 0.38| 5.05 5.03| 1.81 1.30| 1.16 0.73| 1.42 0.39| 1.13 0.82| 1.38 0.93| 0.53 0.33|
rv sorted + 10% end| 3.97 1.92| 1.55 0.37| 5.67 5.40| 2.11 1.55| 1.32 0.78| 1.54 0.39| 1.16 0.82| 1.57 1.01| 0.60 0.37|
| | | | | | | | | |
rv sorted + 0.1% mid| 4.63 2.36| 2.00 0.01| 4.84 4.61| 3.43 0.00| 1.50 0.00| 1.34 0.00| 2.51 0.00| 1.32 0.20| 0.56 0.01|
rv sorted + 1% mid| 4.84 2.40| 1.93 0.01| 4.84 4.68| 3.44 0.00| 2.25 0.00| 1.38 0.00| 2.66 0.00| 1.32 0.20| 0.58 0.01|
rv sorted + 10% mid| 5.15 2.54| 2.03 0.01| 5.49 5.07| 3.83 0.00| 2.49 0.00| 1.50 0.00| 3.29 0.00| 1.50 0.22| 1.05 0.01|

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L | H L |
random ,4.08 ,1.74 ,2.14 ,0.62 ,5.00 ,4.77 ,3.03 ,1.97 ,2.75 ,1.54 ,1.78 ,0.34 ,4.04 ,3.21 ,1.32 ,0.94 ,1.91 ,0.47 ,
sorted ,4.04 ,1.20 ,0.82 ,0.01 ,4.72 ,4.58 ,0.20 ,0.00 ,0.17 ,0.00 ,0.17 ,0.00 ,0.17 ,0.00 ,1.12 ,0.66 ,0.17 ,0.01 ,
sorted + 0.1% end ,6.94 ,1.22 ,1.88 ,0.02 ,4.69 ,4.53 ,1.13 ,0.68 ,0.38 ,0.01 ,1.24 ,0.06 ,0.26 ,0.01 ,1.26 ,0.66 ,0.29 ,0.01 ,
sorted + 1% end ,6.57 ,1.25 ,1.84 ,0.02 ,4.73 ,4.61 ,1.20 ,0.70 ,0.39 ,0.02 ,1.04 ,0.06 ,0.30 ,0.01 ,1.29 ,0.67 ,0.35 ,0.02 ,
sorted + 10% end ,6.56 ,1.53 ,1.88 ,0.03 ,5.19 ,5.03 ,1.46 ,0.96 ,0.48 ,0.08 ,1.01 ,0.07 ,0.42 ,0.05 ,1.57 ,0.76 ,0.42 ,0.05 ,
sorted + 0.1% mid ,5.75 ,2.32 ,2.10 ,0.01 ,4.71 ,4.56 ,2.38 ,0.00 ,0.73 ,0.00 ,1.50 ,0.00 ,0.55 ,0.00 ,1.22 ,0.19 ,0.30 ,0.00 ,
sorted + 1% mid ,4.92 ,2.33 ,2.04 ,0.01 ,4.75 ,4.67 ,2.34 ,0.00 ,1.13 ,0.00 ,1.47 ,0.00 ,0.62 ,0.00 ,1.28 ,0.20 ,0.34 ,0.01 ,
sorted + 10% mid ,4.74 ,2.97 ,2.16 ,0.01 ,5.38 ,5.16 ,2.75 ,0.00 ,1.35 ,0.00 ,1.30 ,0.00 ,1.07 ,0.00 ,1.48 ,0.22 ,0.76 ,0.01 ,
reverse sorted ,3.58 ,1.45 ,1.90 ,0.20 ,5.18 ,4.78 ,1.81 ,1.28 ,1.20 ,0.93 ,1.38 ,0.38 ,1.12 ,0.80 ,1.37 ,0.92 ,0.51 ,0.31 ,
rv sorted + 0.1% end ,3.74 ,1.98 ,1.58 ,0.34 ,4.87 ,4.77 ,1.73 ,1.25 ,1.11 ,0.71 ,1.33 ,0.38 ,1.09 ,0.79 ,1.35 ,0.91 ,0.49 ,0.31 ,
rv sorted + 1% end ,3.52 ,1.94 ,1.56 ,0.38 ,5.05 ,5.03 ,1.81 ,1.30 ,1.16 ,0.73 ,1.42 ,0.39 ,1.13 ,0.82 ,1.38 ,0.93 ,0.53 ,0.33 ,
rv sorted + 10% end ,3.97 ,1.92 ,1.55 ,0.37 ,5.67 ,5.40 ,2.11 ,1.55 ,1.32 ,0.78 ,1.54 ,0.39 ,1.16 ,0.82 ,1.57 ,1.01 ,0.60 ,0.37 ,
rv sorted + 0.1% mid ,4.63 ,2.36 ,2.00 ,0.01 ,4.84 ,4.61 ,3.43 ,0.00 ,1.50 ,0.00 ,1.34 ,0.00 ,2.51 ,0.00 ,1.32 ,0.20 ,0.56 ,0.01 ,
rv sorted + 1% mid ,4.84 ,2.40 ,1.93 ,0.01 ,4.84 ,4.68 ,3.44 ,0.00 ,2.25 ,0.00 ,1.38 ,0.00 ,2.66 ,0.00 ,1.32 ,0.20 ,0.58 ,0.01 ,
rv sorted + 10% mid ,5.15 ,2.54 ,2.03 ,0.01 ,5.49 ,5.07 ,3.83 ,0.00 ,2.49 ,0.00 ,1.50 ,0.00 ,3.29 ,0.00 ,1.50 ,0.22 ,1.05 ,0.01 ,

Average = [73.03, 29.15, 27.41, 2.05, 75.11, 72.25, 32.65, 9.69, 18.41, 4.8, 19.4, 2.07, 20.39, 6.51, 20.35, 8.69, 8.86, 1.93]
Best = [8.86, 1.93]

Array length = 390625

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