Welcome back:
pythonbrew use Python-2.7.1 source $HOME/.venvburrito/startup.sh workon flask_file_upload
pythonbrew use Python-2.7.1 curl -s https://raw.github.com/brainsik/virtualenv-burrito/master/virtualenv-burrito.sh | bash source $HOME/.venvburrito/startup.sh # be sure to add the above to your ~/.bashrc mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute flask_file_upload workon flask_file_upload cd static/js # download and extract extjs here wget http://extjs.cachefly.net/ext-4.0.2a-gpl.zip unzip ln -s extjs ext-4.0.2a-gpl/ cd ../../ python app.py
See https://github.com/brainsik/virtualenv-burrito#readme
Now to the app itself