This repository contains the base template for building a RainCatcher workflow step. Template contains form that collects first name last name. Knowledge of Angular.js is required to use this template.
Steps are divided into two different categories:
Modules can contain one or more angular directives for rendering steps. RainCatcher steps use Angularjs directives to build feature rich UI as part of the workflow. Each step is divided into two types for directives:
- Edit section
This section is displayed when workflow is executed and allows users to edit information, Section always consist from the html template and directive.
For example: base-form.tpl.html
- Preview section
Displayed as part of summary when workflow is finished
Section always consist from the html template and directive.
For example: base.tpl.html
Definition can contain step definition. It may be array of definitions when npm module provides more than one step.
For example:
module.exports = {
ngModule: require('./angular/base'),
// Definition for this step that is being used in portal
definition: require('./definition.json')
Definitions are required for the raincatcher-angularjs portal application to define a workflow step. Definitions are defined the definition.json
file which is directly linked to the angular directives names through the templates field. The name and description fields will be the step name and decription in the portal·
"code": "base-form",
"name": "Base Form",
"description": "base form used to for steps",
"templates": {
"form": "<base-form></base-form>",
"view": "<base></base>"
Note: File can contain array or object depending if your npm module provides one or more definitions.
What naming conventions
- Angular directive uses camel case e.g.
- File name and
use hypens e.g.
"templates": {
"form": "<base-form></base-form>",
"view": "<base></base>"
Having a separate the scope inside a directive from the scope outside,and then map the outer scope to a directive's inner scope is not supported. Workflows require the scope to be global so using Angular scoped directives will cause issues when adding multiple steps within a workflow.
If your user interface requires additional styles or libraries they need to be included in top level application. Standard bootstrap and angular material directives are available in top level mobile and portal applications.
In following example we will edit base template to build 'User Reciept form'.
To customize the base step modify the html templates for
Edit section - Form
Add a email field to the ng-form div
<md-input-container class="md-block" flex-gt-sm>
<label>Email </label>
<input type="text" id="title" name="title" ng-model="" required>
Preview section - Results
Add a email field to <md-list>
to the base template
<md-list-item class="md-2-line">
<div class="md-list-item-text">
<h3>{{}} </h3>
Notice how output {{}}
is directly linked to
input on the form.
HTML templates are written with angular.js.
Once the html templates are edited you need to use grunt to build using wfmTemplate with the following command.
grunt wfmTemplate:build
alternatively you can run npm run watch
to rebuild the step automatically on all changes.
Package name can be customised via the package.json
Add step to mobiles package.json as a package demo/mobile/package.json
"@raincatcher/step-base": "0.0.1",
Add step to mobiles demo/mobile/src/app/app.js
// apply a variable name to the module
var variableName = require(‘@raincatcher/step-base’);
// add ngModule() for the module to angular.module array;
Import the step scss for step-base into demo/mobile/src/sass/app.scss
@import 'node_modules/@raincatcher/step-base/lib/step-base.scss';
Add step package to demo/portal/package.json
"@raincatcher/step-base": "0.0.1",
Add step to portal in angular.modules in demo/portal/src/app/main.js
// apply a variable name to the module
var variableName = require(‘@raincatcher/step-base’);
Add step definition to angular.modules stepDefinitions array
stepDefinitions: [
Also add step ngModule() in angular.modules
Import the step scss demo/portal/src/sass/portal.scss
@import 'node_modules/@raincatcher/step-base/lib/step-base.scss';