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The benchmark data are available here
pathto/python3 pathto/ i=inputfile [OPTIONS]
pathto/python3 pathto/ s=ACGUACGUG [OPTIONS]
As a Python function: see demo.ipynb
Clone the GitHub repository by typing:
git clone
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
SQUARNA requires Python3 of at least 3.8 version along with (hopefully) arbitrary versions of NumPy, SciPy, NetworkX, and ViennaRNA libraries. SciPy is required only for the Hungarian algorithm. NetworkX is required only for the Edmonds algorithm. ViennaRNA is required only when bpp != 0.
To use as a Python function:
pip install SQUARNA
1) python3 i=examples/seq_input.fas c=alt.conf
Demonstration example.
2) python3 i=datasets/SRtrain150.fas if=qf
An example reproducing the benchmarks.
3) python3 i=examples/ali_input.afa if=q
An example of running single-sequence predictions for a set
of aligned sequences. "if=q" tells SQUARNA to ignore all the
default input lines and read only the sequences.
4) python3 i=examples/ali_input.afa a
An example of running alignment-based predictions.
5) python3 i=examples/ali_input.afa if=q a v
An example of running alignment-based predictions
in the verbose mode.
6) python3 i=examples/ali_input.afa byseq pl=1 c=fastest.conf
An example of running single-sequence predictions
in the fast mode. Recommended for very large inputs.
For inputfile SQUARNA uses a fasta-like format with the "name" lines
starting with ">" symbol and the following lines treated as the data
lines. The order of lines in which SQUARNA will read the data
is defined by the inputformat (if) parameter, see below. By default,
the order is "qtrf", meaning the first line will be read as the
seQuence, the second line as the reacTivities line, the third line
as the Restraints line, the fourth line as the reFerence structure
line, and all the following lines will be ignored until the new
"name" line.
The starting lines in the input file faced before the first ">"
symbol will be treated as default reactivities/restraints/reference
lines according to the inputformat value. The default lines will be
used for the individual sequences of appropriate length if the
matching individual line is empty or absent. See ali_input.afa file
in the examples sub-folder for an example of default lines.
Sequence is the only mandatory field. Symbols "AaCcGgUu" will be
treated as the four types of RNA bases in the case-insensitive
manner. Symbols "Tt" will be replaced with "U". Symbols ";&" will be
treated as the separators of different RNA chains. Symbols ".-~"
will be treated as gaps and ignored accordingly (the sequence along
with the other data lines will be unaligned for the prediction and
the predicted structures will be then realigned back to the initial
sequence). All the other symbols will be treated as bases that cannot
form any base pairs unless they are present in the bpweights parameter
as defined within the used config file.
Reactivities can be given either as a space/tab separated sequence
of float values from 0.0 to 1.0 (with the number of values equal
to the sequence length, including the separator positions whose
values will be ignored), or as an encoded line of sequence length,
see the description of reactformat (rf) parameter below (the mix
of the encoded values is allowed), or be an empty line.
Restraints line should be either a sequence length line or an empty
line. All pairs of brackets ((),[],{},<>) and pairs of latin letters
(Aa,Bb,...Yy,Zz) will be treated as base pairs. The underscore sign
"_" will be treated as an unpaired base. The slash sign "/" will be
treated as the base that cannot form any base pairs "to the left"
(i.e. with the counterpart being closer to the 5'-end). In contrast,
the backslash sign "\" will be treated as the base that cannot form
any base pairs "to the right" (i.e. with the counterpart being closer
to the 3'-end). All the other symbols will be treated as unrestrained
Reference line should be either a sequence length line or an empty
line. In the reference line all pairs of brackets ((),[],{},<>) and
pairs of latin letters (Aa,Bb,...Yy,Zz) will be treated as base pairs
and all the other characters will be ignored.
For examples of an appropriate default input file format see
Alternatively, SQUARNA can read standard Fasta, Stockholm
and Clustal (.aln) formats. The input format is recognized
automatically. In the case of Stockholm format the "SS_cons"
structure will be treated as default reference line. In the case
of Fasta or Clustal formats only the sequences will be processed.
The output format is a fasta-like format with the "name" lines
starting with ">" sign and followed by a number of data sections:
(a) the input sequence; (b) the input data lines with the
appropriate marks (reactivities/restraints/reference), the scores
for the reference structure are printed if the reference is
specified (if non-canonical base pairs are present in the reference
structure, they are considered with 0.0 weight); (c) a break line
of underscores ("_"-line); (d) the predicted consensus structure with
the mark top-X_consensus, where X is defined with conslim parameter,
see below. If a reference was specified the metrics values will be
printed in the same line (TP - number of correctly predicted base pairs;
FP - number of wrongly predicted base pairs; FN - number of missed
base pairs; FS - F-score; PR - precision; RC=recall); (e) a break
line of equality signs ("="-line); (f) N lines with the predicted
structures, where N is defined with outplim parameter, see below.
The structures are followed by a tab-separated list of values:
the rank of the structure (starting with "#" sign), total_score,
structure_score, reactivity_score, name of the generative parameter
set, and (if a reference was specified) the metrics values will be
printed for the best of the top-K structures (the format is the same
as for the consensus structure with the only addition of RK (rank)
value), where K is defined with toplim parameter, see below. The chain
separators are introduced into all the lines as they appear
in the sequence.
The output format consists of three main sections: (1) intermediate
information (in verbose mode only); (2) processed default input
lines; (3) the three (steps 1-3) predicted secondary structures in
the dot-bracket format. Between the sections 1 and 2 there is
the first separator line ("="-line), and between the sections
2 and 3 there is the second separator line ("_"-line).
In the verbose mode the intermediate information includes
the following: (1) ">Step 1, Iteration 1", the conserved base pairs,
first one by one in the dot-bracket format along with their scores,
then assembled into a number of secondary structures; (2) ">Step 1,
Iteration 2", the conserved base pairs from the second iteration,
the format is the same as in the first iteration; (3) output of
restrained single-sequence predictions, see section "Output format
(single-sequence mode)" for more details; (4) ">Step 2, Populated
base pairs", the base pairs from the single-sequence predictions
listed one by one in dot-bracket format along with the numbers of
their source sequences; (5) ">Step 2, Consensus", the step-2
consensus structures built from the populated base pairs along with
the used frequency thresholds.
Path to an input file in fasta-like format, see "Input format"
section for details.
ff=STRING / fileformat=STRING [DEFAULT: unknown]
"unknown" - the format will be identified automatically.
"default" - default fasta-like format.
"fasta" - FASTA format.
"stockholm" - STOCKHOLM format.
"clustal" - CLUSTAL format.
c=FILENAME / config=FILENAME [DEFAULT: see description]
Path to a config file or a name of a built-in config,
see file "def.conf" for the format details.
In the alignment-based mode, the default config
file is ali.conf. In the single-sequence mode the default
config for sequences under 500nts is def.conf, for sequences
between 500 and 1000nts - 500.conf, and for sequences over
1000nts in length - 1000.conf.
Built-in configs:
c=def (def.conf) is recommended by default for RNAs under 500nts.
c=500 (500.conf) is recommended for RNAs longer 500 nts.
c=1000 (1000.conf) is recommended for RNAs longer 1000 nts.
c=nussinov (nussinov.conf) - Nussinov algorithm config.
c=hungarian (hungarian.conf) - Hungarian algorithm config.
c=edmonds (edmonds.conf) - Edmonds algorithm config.
c=greedy (greedy.conf) - Greedy algorithm config.
s=STRING / seq=STRING / sequence=STRING [DEFAULT: None]
Input RNA sequence. If specified, inputfile will be ignored.
a / ali / alignment [DEFAULT: FALSE]
Run SQUARNA in the alignment-based mode. If specified,
ali.conf will be used as the config file by default,
unless another config file is explicitly specified
by the user. The bpweights, minlen, and minbpscore
parameters for step-1 will be derived from the first
parameter set in the config file.
algo={eghn} / algorithm={eghn} [DEFAULT: algo=None]
The algorithms to be used in single-sequence predictions.
By default, the algorithms are derived from the config file.
If the algo parameter is specified, it will overwrite the
algorithms listed in the config file.
The choice should be a subset of the four algorithms:
e - Edmonds algorithm [10.6028/jres.069B.013]
g - Greedy SQUARNA algorithm [10.1101/2023.08.28.555103]
h - Hungarian algorithm [10.1002/nav.3800020109]
n - Nussinov algorithm [10.1073/pnas.77.11.6309]
if={qtrfx} / inputformat={qtrfx} [DEFAULT: if=qtrf]
The order of the lines in the input file. By default, SQUARNA
reads the first line of the entry (among the lines after
the ">" line) as the seQuence (q), the second line as the
reacTivities (t), the third line as the Restraints (r),
the fourth line as the reFerence (f), and all the further lines
are ignored. inputformat should be a subset of qtrfx letters
in any order, with q being mandatory. All "x" lines will be ignored.
rb={rsd} / rankby={rsd} [DEFAULT: rb=s]
How to rank the predicted structures. rankby should be a subset of
letters r, s, and d in any order (r / s / rs / rd / sd / rsd).
If both r and s are present, the structures will be ranked according
to the total_score = structure_score * reactivity_score. If only
r is present, the structures will be ranked by the reactivity_score,
and if only s is present, the structures will be ranked by the
structure_score. Independently, if d is present, the mutually
divergent structures will be put first.
fl=INT / freqlim=INT [DEFAULT: fl=0.35]
Ignored in the single-sequence mode.
The percentage of sequences required to contain a base pair,
in order for it to be added to the predicted consensus structure
at step-2. The consensus will include all the base pairs present
in at least "fl" share of the sequences given that the base pair
is not in conflict (does not share a position) with a more
populated base pair.
ll=INT / levlim=INT [DEFAULT: ll=(3 - len(seq)>500)]
The allowed number of pseudoknot levels.
In the single-sequence mode it's applied to the predictions
of the Hungarian and Edmonds algorithms.
In the alignment mode, all the base pairs of the higher levels
will be removed from the structure predicted at step-1 and
from the structure predicted at step-2. By default,
ll=3 for short alignments (sequences) of no more
than 500 columns (residues), and ll=2 for longer ones.
tl=INT / toplim=INT [DEFAULT: tl=5]
How many top-N structures will be subject to comparison with the
ol=INT / outplim=INT [DEFAULT: ol=tl]
How many top-N structures will be printed into the stdout.
cl=INT / conslim=INT [DEFAULT: cl=1]
How many top-N structures will be used to derive the predicted
structure consensus.
pl=INT / poollim=INT [DEFAULT: pl=100]
Maximum number of structures allowed to populate the current
structure pool (if exceeded, no bifurcation will occur anymore).
pr=STRING / priority=STRING [DEFAULT: pr=bppN,bppH1,bppH2]
Comma-separated list of prioritized paramset names. The structures
predicted with these paramsets will be ranked higher in the output.
By default, pr=bppN,bppH1,bppH2 when the default configs are used,
and pr is empty in case of a user-specified config.
s3={i,u,1,2} / step3={i,u,1,2} [DEFAULT: s3=u]
Ignored in the single-sequence mode.
Defines the structure that will be printed at step-3. If s3=1,
the structure from step-1 will be printed, and the step-2 will
be skipped completely, meaning the prediction will be super fast.
If s3=2, the structure from step-2 will be printed. If s3=u, the
union of base pairs of the two structures will be printed.
If s3=i, the intersection of base pairs of the two structures
will be printed.
msn=INT / maxstemnum=INT [DEFAULT: None]
Maximum number of stems to predict in each structure. By default,
maxstemnum is defined in a config file for each parameter set.
If specified in the command line it will overwrite the maxstemnum
values for all the parameter sets.
rf={3,10,26} / reactformat={3,10,26} [DEFAULT: rf=3]
Encoding used to output the reactivities line.
rf=3: 0.0 <= "_" < 1/3;
1/3 <= "+" < 2/3;
2/3 <= "#" <= 1.0;
rf=10: 0.0 <= "0" < 0.1;
0.5 <= "5" < 0.6;
0.9 <= "9" <= 1.0;
rf=26: 0.00 <= "a" < 0.02;
0.02 <= "b" < 0.06;
0.50 <= "n" < 0.54;
0.94 <= "y" < 0.98;
0.98 <= "z" <= 1.00.
eo / evalonly [DEFAULT: FALSE]
Ignored in the alignment mode.
If specified, no predictions are made and just the reference structure
scores are returned provided the reference is specified.
If non-canonical base pairs are present in the reference structure,
they will be considered with 0.0 weight).
hr / hardrest [DEFAULT: FALSE]
If specified, all the base pairs from the restraints line will be
forced to be present in the predicted structures. However, it will
not affect the structure scores, as the forced base pairs won't
contribute to the structure score unless they were predicted without
forcing as well.
ico / interchainonly [DEFAULT: FALSE]
Allow only inter-chain base pairs to be predicted.
iw / ignore [DEFAULT: FALSE]
Ignore warnings.
t=INT / threads=INT [DEFAULT: t=cpu_count]
Number of CPUs to use.
bs / byseq [DEFAULT: FALSE]
Parallelize the execution over the input sequences
in the single-sequence mode.
By default, the execution in the single-sequence mode
is parallelized over the structure pool within each sequence.
Parallelizing over input sequences is recommended for
large input files along with fast configs.
v / verbose [DEFAULT: FALSE]
Run SQUARNA in the verbose mode.
Ignored in the single-sequence mode.
Eugene F. Baulin, e-mail: efbaulin[at], e.baulin[at]