- 1 - The Moon
- 2 - Saturn
- 3 - Animated cubes
- 4 - Costa Rica flag
- 5 -
- October 2019 - Oktoberfest: THREE.js daily sketch
- June 2017 - This project is a GULP + THREEjs Template.
Make sure you have npm and Node.js installed on your local machine.
To install Node and NPM go to https://nodejs.org/en/download/
To check your current version, on a terminal type:
node -v
npm -v
On a terminal type git clone [email protected]:juulio/gulpBoilerplate.git to clone the project into the desired folder.
Go into the recently cloned project folder, Make sure there's a package.json file and type npm install.
After this command is properly finished, there will be a new 'node_modules' folder. -
To run the project type gulp. CSS and javascript will not be minified.
To build the project type gulp build.
A dist folder will be created.
CSS and javascript will be minified.
- sass: takes all scss files on the app/scss folder and creates the app/css/styles.css file.
- minify-css: minifies the app/css/styles.css file.
- browserSync: reloads the app on the browser.
- useref: concatenates referenced non-optimized js and css files. Uses gulpIf and uglify to minify javascript files.
- clean:dist: cleans the dist production environment.
- cache:clear: cache clear task.
- copy-images-folder: copys the images folder to the dist folder
- watch: watches the sass and javascript files and reloads the browser.
- default: runs this task sequence in the provided order: sass, browserSync, watch.
There's a .gitignore file. It avoids the following files and folders to be included on the git repository.
- the node_modules folder
- DS_Store files
- sass-cache files
- dist production folder