An angular directive to swipe elements away in order to remove them from a list. Built upon ngTouch's $swipe service.
- jQuery
- ngTouch
- ngAnimate
Working plunkr demo here
Includes a yeoman generated demo for local testing
cd demo
npm install
bower install
run the server
grunt server
in HTML, use the item-swipe attribute in your ng-repeat and set the on-remove attribute to the appropriate method
<div class="container">
<div ng-repeat="thing in things">
<div item-swipe on-remove="removeThing(thing)">
Handle remove event in the controller however you like
$scope.removeThing = function(thing){
$scope.things.splice($scope.things.indexOf(thing), 1);
- ".swiper" is provided on the element to be swiped
- ".undo-div" is provided on the element that temporarily replaces the swiper element
The ng-repeat should be wrapped in a container to prevent the animation from extending the page width:
.container {
zoom: 1;
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
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