Graph algorithms that have been done:
- Graph Data Structure
- Adjacency list - Directed / Undirected and Weighted
- Adjacency matrix
- Edge list
- Graph Transversal
- Topological sorting
- Kahn's algorithm
- Minimum spanning tree
- Prim's algorithm
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Single-pair shortest path problem
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Distance array output
- Shortest Path output
- Bellman–Ford algorithm
- Distance array output
- Shortest Path output
- Detect negative cycle
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- All-pairs shortest path problem
- Floyd–Warshall algorithm
- Distance map output
- All-Pairs Shortest Path output
- Detect negative cycle
- Floyd–Warshall algorithm
- Maximum flow problem
- Edmonds-Karp algorithm (Ford–Fulkerson implementation)
- Centrality problem
- Degree measure
- Betweenness measure
- Closeness measure
- Eigenvector measure
- PageRank algorithm
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