Voronoi diagram generator to Solid Edge sketch
Part of the code is adapted from https://github.com/RafaelKuebler/DelaunayVoronoi
A VB.net implementation of the Bowyer–Watson algorithm. The result is a Delaunay triangulation for a set of randomly generated points. Following the Delaunay triangulation, the dual Voronoi diagram is constructed.
Releases here: https://github.com/farfilli/SolidEdge-Voronoi/releases
The application is standalone, just unzip the release archive in a folder of your choice. You can personalize Solid Edge UI to add a button that starts the Voronoi generator application; How to add a button in Solid Edge UI
- The first textbox beside the Point label is the number of points; if you change this value you need to re-generate the Voronoi diagram
- The second textbox is the number of relaxations to perform; if you change this value the Voronoi diagram is automatically regenerated
- Draw button is used to random choose points and generate a new Voronoi diagram
- Draw in SE button is used to transfer the current Voronoi diagram in Solid Edge active sketch
- Points, Triangulation, Circles, and Voronoi options are to choose what to draw in the application, changing them will refresh the view
- Start the application and generate a Voronoi diagram by the button "Draw"
- Open Solid Edge and open or create an Ordered Part or an Ordered SheetMetal
- Create or edit a Sketch
- While in the sketch use the "Draw in SE" button to transfer the current Voronoi diagram to Solid Edge
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details