C4droid is a IDE + C/C++ compiler for Android.
Now available (only for devices with ARM cpu and Android < 5):
* c4dsh
* perl-5.20.1
* autoconf-2.69
* automake-1.15
* libtool-2.4
* curl-7.37.1
* git-2.2.0
* cmake-3.0.1
* gdb-7.7.1
* flex-2.5.39
* texinfo-5.2
* bison-3.0.2
* help2man-1.43.3
* openssl-1.0.1c
* openssh-6.7p1
* sqlite3-3.8.5
* libssh2-1.4.3
* gdbm-1.11
* libiconv-1.14
* libreadline-6.3
* libexpat-2.1.0
* libssh-0.7.0
* libxml2-2.7.8
* libpcap-2.4
* libpcre-8.33
* libzlib-1.2.3
~40 Mb in internal memory and ~55 Mb on sdcard for all tools
- C4droid not a free app.,but well that not expensive
- GCC plugin installed in the internal memory
- Busybox
- Open Makefile in C4droid and compile.
- Add (c4droid:DATADIR)c4dsh in Menu->Preferences->Shell path
- Remove all in Menu->Preferences->Autorun command and add clear
- Check Menu->Enable Run Terminal button
Now you can run the terminal from C4droid menu and use it to compile native Linux software for Android.
All environment variables are already set.
example with configure:
curl ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/sed/sed-4.2.tar.gz > sed-4.2.tar.gz
tar -xvzf sed-4.2.tar.gz
cd sed-4.2
make install DESTDIR=~/OUT
example with curl:
`curl-config --cc --cflags` ${CFLAGS} -o example example.c `curl-config --libs` ${LDFLAGS}
simple example:
$CC $CFLAGS -o example example.c ${LDFLAGS}
example with additional libraries
$CC $CFLAGS -I/path_to_additional_headers -o example example.c ${LDFLAGS} -L/path_to_additional_libraries -ladditional_lib_1 -ladditional_lib_2 ...etc.
P.S. All the libraries and utilities in this project were compiled by me from official sources.