Iso2Mesh 2017 (v1.8) Release Note
Iso2mesh 2017 is a maintenance release. It contains a number of exciting new features and a range of bug fixes.
The most important update is a robust surface boolean operator (surfboolean) based on the open-source utility Cork. It replaces the previously included libGTS utilities. We also added a number of new functions, such as insurface, fillsurf, innersurf, and outersurf etc. The JSONlab toolbox was also updated to the latest release v1.5.
The detailed ChangeLog is listed below:
1.**robust surface boolean operator based on Cork
2. update tetgen 1.5 to 1.5.1
3. new function: insurface for point-in-surface test
4.*new function: fillsurf for tesselating a closed surface
5. new function: surfvolume for calculating the volume of an enclosed surface
6.*new function: innersurf/outersurf: interior and exterior parts of a surface
7. meshcylinders supports a series of segments, also returns PLC
8. surfedge/volface return tet element id for the face triangles
9. plotmesh supports element-based colormap
10. s2v outputs mesh-to-voxel transformation matrix
11.*JSONlab updates to 1.5 Nominus alpha
12. display binary utility download URL when missing
13. faceneighbor returns row- or column-major facelist
14. fix half-voxel offset bug in cgalmesher
15. surf2vol and s2v now rasterize labeled surfaces and tetrahedral mesh
16. disable binary compression for Mac OS to avoid crashes
17. fix uniqedges edgemap output bug