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Make your own characters and choose their superpowers - this time with auth!

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Build Status Dan 🎮 Renata 🐰 Roshan 🙆🏾 Gillian 🍬

Installation Guide

  1. git clone this repo
  2. npm install to set up node modules
  3. Initialise a local database
  4. Create .env file in project route
  5. Add DB_URL/TEST_DB_URL values to your .env

This is Week 2

Catch up with our story so far on the previous week's repo!

Requirements this time

As per the project brief

  • Login form with 2 fields - username and password
  • Users only have to log in once (i.e. implement a cookie-based session on login)
  • Username is visible on each page of the site after logging in
  • Any user-submitted content should be labelled with the authors username
  • There should be protected routes and unprotected routes that depend on the user having a cookie or not
  • Website content should be stored in a database
  • Include thorough tests on the back-end, testing pure functions and testing routes using Supertest. If you make external API calls, use Nock to mock the response for your tests
  • Test front-end logic, we don't expect tests on the DOM

Or much prettier: as issues

![]( =800x500)

New wireframe

Split depending on whether the user is logged in.

![]( =800x500)

Client side validation

password validation

const charPw = document.getElementById("char-form-password");
const pwErr = document.getElementById("pwErr");

let checkPw = () => {
  if (charPw.validity.patternMismatch) {
      "Password must contain at least eight characters, including one letter and one number"
  } else if (charPw.validity.valueMissing) {
    displayErr(pwErr, "Please enter a password");
  } else {
    displayErr(pwErr, "");
    return true;

Existing user validation

const checkUniqueUser = cb => {
  backendCall(`/check-char?=${charName.value}`, "GET", null, char => {

const checkName = () => {
    checkUniqueUser(char => {
      if (char.length != 0) {
        displayErr(nameErr, "Player name is already taken");
        nameOk = false;
      } else if (!charName.value) {
        displayErr(nameErr, "Please enter a name");
        nameOk = false;
      } else {
        displayErr(nameErr, "");
        nameOk = true;


Deleting cookie from the front-end

const deleteButton = document.querySelector("#delete-button");
deleteButton.addEventListener("click", e => {
  const result = window.confirm(
    "Are you sure you want to delete your character?"
  if (result) {
    document.cookie = "player=0; expires = Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
  } else {



We'll walk you through our login and home endpoint handling

To be improved


  • Testing; we wrote loads of new code but no new tests
  • Abstracting and refactoring. For example, our handlers.js file is 433 lines long and we write the same 500 response TWENTY times
  • Replace all our callback logic with shiny new promises
  • Some of our frontend functions are unnecessarily impure

Thank you


Make your own characters and choose their superpowers - this time with auth!






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Contributors 4
