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User manual

Gaétan Collaud edited this page Oct 2, 2016 · 3 revisions

State diagram

This diagram explain how the clock works.

state diagram

The action in the bubble can be activated by rotating the rotary button. The blue arrow indicate a long press on the button (+1sec). The red are for a short press.

Clock word

This state display the time in word. If you rotate the button, it will change the brightness

Digital clock

This state display the time in a digital way (like a normal clock). If you rotate the button, it will change the brightness

Change hue

This state display the time in word. If you rotate the button, it will change the hue (the colour).

Change saturation

This state display the time in word. If you rotate the button, it will change the saturation (if you want more colour or more white).

Change hour

This state display the time in a digital way and blink. If you rotate the button, it will change hour.

Change minute

This state display the time in a digital way and blink. If you rotate the button, it will change minute.

Changing time

If you want to change time, on your wordlock, just press the button for more than 1 second. The display should start blinking. You can now change the hour. If you press the button shortly, you can now change the minute. If you press the button shortly again, you're back to changing the hour (see state diagram above).

Automatic brightness

If you have installed the light sensor, you're clock is able to adjust the brightness automatically.

To enable the automatic mode, just lower the brightness to the minimum. If you set the brightness to zero, then the brightness will adjust itself automatically (try covering the sensor).

Matrix tester mode

If you seems to have a dead pixel or if you want to check that the matrix work well when soldering all the leds, you may want to use the matrix tester mode. Basically this mode randomly choose a background and foreground colour for each iteration. Then each pixels will be powered on by the foreground colour while the other one stay with the background colour.

To enter this mode, simple push the button while powering the wordclock. To exit this mode, just power off and on the clock.