Arduino library for rotating LED display.
The LED Display board is a simple Arduino clone with a ATMega328p processor, 32768Hz RTC crystal, 16 LEDs and a reed switch.
Fonts are included from the Adafruit GFX library, which can be installed via Arduino library manager.
- Download the zip-File and add the library to your arduino IDE.
- Install the Adafruit GFX Library using the library manager.
Connect the board to your PC with a FTDI adapter. Choose "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini" as Board and "ATMEGA328P (3.3V,8MHz)" as processor.
A typical example sketch for having a text running over the display looks like this:
#include <LEDDisplay.h>
//Define a font
GFXfont* gfxFont = &FreeMonoBoldOblique9pt7b;
//Create Instance of LEDDisplay
LEDDisplay led;
//Set shift wait
int shift_wait = 70; //70ms for next shift
//The text to display. Text is put in PROGMEM (not in RAM).
//This allows us to have really big text strings ~ 24kb
const char text[] PROGMEM = "Fablab Bayreuth -- Arduino Day 2018 - 07.04.2018 -- ab 13:00";
void setup(void) {
led.begin(); //initialize display (e.g. attach INT0)
led.setFont(gfxFont); //set font pointer
void loop(void) {
if (led.int0_flag) {
if (led.wokeupFromSleep()) {
led.clear(); //clear the display
led.initRunning(shift_wait); //set shift_wait and set offset to zero
led.setSpeed();//calculates the speed to flash the LEDs
led.runningTextPROGMEM(text);//add new char to the buffer if shift time is exceeded; //flashes the LEDs and clears int0_flag at the end
led.sleep(); //go to sleep when there is no int0 for more than 500ms