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Occupied is a web-based platform to help facilitate and control space reservation within a given establishment.

It represents the structures (e.g. buildings, halls) as Blueprints and spaces within those structures (e.g. classrooms, meeting rooms) as Spaces.

Local Installation

To install a localized version of Occupied for personal, organizational, or developmental purposes, follow these steps:


To ensure proper installation, please make sure you have installed

  1. Node.js + npm for your system
  2. git for cloning and version control
  3. PostgreSQL for your system.

Clone Repository

Next, clone this repository through git using: git clone

Configure Variables

In order to successfully run the program, you must configure some variables through the following steps:

  1. Generate a 512-bit (public,private) key pair.
  2. Specify the environment variables in a file called .env

Public, Private Key placement

After generating the 512-bit key pair, place the public key, and the private key in the public.key and private.key files respectively. Make sure to copy all of the key including the BEGINNING and END demarcations. You can generate the pair through ssh-keygen or from here.

Environment Variables

An example for the environments vairables is provided in the .env.example file. Simply copy it to a .env file and specify the variables.

Running Occupied

After all the configuration is complete, you are ready to run Occupied!!!

Next, all you have to do is go to the project's direcory and run the following commands:

npm install
node app.js

# In a new terminal window
cd client
npm install
npm start

This starts the front-end and the back-end of the program separately.

Optionally, If you'd like to run the full-stack with one command,

# Navigate to Occupied root directory
npm run dev

Caveat: This method will limit the output from the server logs.


After running the script, navigate to http://localhost:3000

NOTE: If you have changed the frontend's PORT variable, navigate to that PORT instead.



For now, contact the maintainers or create an issue.

Directory Structure

The folders are arranged in the following fashion:

+-- .env               // contains the environment variables
+-- api                // main REST API logic 
+-- client             // React client
|   +-- public         // Icons, Labels, and other public stuff
|   +-- src            // All the frontend logic
+-- dummy              // Hardcoded testing data
+-- models             // Sequelize database models
+-- public.key         // 512-bit RSA Public Key
+-- private.key        // 512-bit RSA Private Key
+-- package.json       // Dependencies and scripts
+-- app.js             // Backend starter logic


This project uses Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags.


Shout out to Simon Ayzman for inspiration, direction, and crucial feedback on the project

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.