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Feldspar is an integration mechanism for building data donation applications that can be hosted on the Next platform. It enables researchers to create custom data extraction and donation flows using Python and React.

Digital Trace Data Donation (Port)

More information about the Port program can be found here.

Feldspar enables researchers to:

  • Extract only the data of interest through local processing (on the participant's device) using Python (Pyodide)
  • Prompt participants for questions about the data
  • Enable participants to inspect the extracted data before donation
  • Enable participants to delete table rows before donation
  • Consent or decline to donate the extracted data

Getting Started



  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Run the project locally with hot reloading (builds Python package and starts the development server):

    npm run start
  3. Access the application at http://localhost:3000

Customizing the Python Code

The core of Feldspar's functionality is in the Python script at packages/python/port/ This script defines the flow of the data donation process.

Basic Structure

  1. Fork the repository to create your own version
  2. Navigate to packages/python/port/
  3. Modify the process(sessionId) function to customize your data donation flow

A basic donation flow typically includes:

  1. Prompt the participant to select a file
  2. Extract relevant data from the file
  3. Present the extracted data in a consent form
  4. Process the participant's consent decision

Example: Modifying the File Selection Screen

def prompt_file(extensions):
    description = props.Translatable({
        "en": "Please select your data export file.",
        "de": "Bitte wählen Sie Ihre Datenexportdatei aus.",
        "it": "Seleziona il tuo file di esportazione dati.",
        "nl": "Selecteer uw data-exportbestand."
    return props.PropsUIPromptFileInput(description, extensions)

Working with Assets

Add any static assets your script needs to packages/python/port/assets/. Access them in your script:

from port.api.assets import *

def process(sessionId):
    # Path to an asset
    path = asset_path("my_file.txt")

    # Open an asset directly
    file = open_asset("my_file.txt")

    # Read asset contents
    content = read_asset("my_file.txt")

Adding Dependencies

If you need additional Python packages, add them to packages/python/pyproject.toml in the tool.poetry.dependencies section.

Adding New Visual Components (Advanced)

Feldspar allows you to add custom UI components that can be used in your Python script. This is a more advanced feature that requires understanding both Python and React.

Step 1: Define Component Types

Create a new folder in packages/data-collector/src/components/my_component/ and add a types.ts file:

export interface PropsUIPromptMyComponent {
  __type__: "PropsUIPromptMyComponent";
  title: string;
  // Add any other properties your component needs

Step 2: Create React Component

Add a component.tsx file to implement your component:

import React from "react";
import { PropsUIPromptMyComponent } from "./types";
import { ReactFactoryContext } from "@eyra/feldspar";

type Props = PropsUIPromptMyComponent & ReactFactoryContext;

export const MyComponent: React.FC<Props> = ({ title, resolve }) => {
  return (
        onClick={() => resolve?.({ __type__: "PayloadTrue", value: true })}

Step 3: Create Component Factory

Add a new file at packages/data-collector/src/factories/my_component.tsx:

import { PromptFactory, ReactFactoryContext } from "@eyra/feldspar";
import React from "react";
import { MyComponent } from "../components/my_component/component";
import { PropsUIPromptMyComponent } from "../components/my_component/types";

export class MyComponentFactory implements PromptFactory {
  create(body: unknown, context: ReactFactoryContext) {
    if (this.isMyComponent(body)) {
      return <MyComponent {...body} {...context} />;
    return null;

  private isMyComponent(body: unknown): body is PropsUIPromptMyComponent {
    return (
      (body as PropsUIPromptMyComponent).__type__ === "PropsUIPromptMyComponent"

Step 4: Register Your Component

Update packages/data-collector/src/App.tsx to include your new factory:

import { DataSubmissionPageFactory, ScriptHostComponent } from "@eyra/feldspar";
import { HelloWorldFactory } from "./factories/hello_world";
import { MyComponentFactory } from "./factories/my_component";

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        standalone={process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"}
          new DataSubmissionPageFactory({
            promptFactories: [
              new HelloWorldFactory(),
              new MyComponentFactory(), // Add your new factory here

export default App;

Step 5: Use Your Component in Python

Add a function to your to create your component:

def prompt_my_component(title):
    return {
        "__type__": "PropsUIPromptMyComponent",
        "title": title

def process(sessionId):
    result = yield render_data_submission_page(prompt_my_component("My Custom Component"))
    # Handle the result...

Creating a Release

When your data donation application is ready for deployment:

  1. Create a release package:

  2. Find the generated ZIP file in the releases/ directory, named with the current date and sequential number (e.g.,

  3. This ZIP file can be deployed to:

    • The Next platform
    • A self-hosted environment
    • Any server that can host static files and store the donated data

To use the release in the Next platform, add a "Donate task" and select the generated ZIP file as the "Flow application".


Feldspar is part of the Port program for data donation and has been funded by the UU, PDI-SSH (D3i project), and Eyra.


We welcome contributions to make Feldspar better. Please read our contributing guidelines for details on how to submit issues, feature requests, and pull requests.