RFID-Field-Detector is an open source PCB the size of a credit card that is capable of detecting the field generated by a RFID reader and identify if it is a LF(125kHz) or HF/NFC(13.56MHz) reader.
Corey Harding, it is something neat to hand out to people, sort of like a business card.
The hardware itself(Fritzing File and Gerber) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
The SVG files fall under the MIT license
Use the simple Fritzing PCB design software and modify whatever you wish provided you comply with the license stated above.
Maybe, but make sure you try first.
I have redesigned it as a commercial product and it is being manufactured and distributed by April Brother.
Cost is sub $10.00 USD.
Tindie: https://www.tindie.com/products/aprbrother/rfid-field-detector/