grepg.vim shows results from GrepPage in a scratch buffer. It saves you from the expensive context switch of opening the browser while programming in Vim.
This plugin is a front for grepg. grepg is a commandline tool for GrepPage.
:G search_query
grepg.vim is triggered by typing :G followed by the search query.
Microdocuments / snippets containing the search term will be listed in a scratch buffer. grepg client returns a description followed by the code on the other line. Each microdocument is separated by an empty line.
:G markdown image
Searches for "markdown image" in all publicly contributed snippets if no auth is set. To search private data you need to set up auth in the command line client using grepg configure
:G vim new tab
Searches the for string "vim new tab".
grepg version 0.1.4 and higher
See grepg's README for its installation instructions.
But basically, you will do:
$ pip install grepg
Most people use a plugin to manage their vim plugins. I prefer vim-pathogen. Installation of vim pathogen is dead simple, you just need 2 lines in your .vimrc. Here are some other plugin managers:vim-plug, Vundle.vim
To install with pathogen:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone grepg
Note: If you don't use any sort of Vim plugin manager, then do this:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone grepg && echo "set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/grepg" >> ~/.vimrc
Make sure the grepg client works correctly. You will need to run grepg configure
if you need to access private data.
grepg.vim is under the MIT License.