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evbacher edited this page Feb 10, 2025 · 19 revisions

Docs™ to Markdown news archive

Notes and news of significant enhancements, bugs, bug fixes, or other insights. Most recent changes added at the top.

Google bug: Google web apps and add-ons having trouble loading HTML pages (15 Jan. 2024)

Started today: sidebar.html (client-side HTML user interface) for Docs to Markdown is not always loading properly. Often loads after 3 or 4 tries. See for bug (also filed today) that seems to be causing many issues with web apps (including sidebars and dialogs for Workspace add-ons).

Update (15 Jan. 2024): Looks like Google fixed Sidebar and dialog HTML loading reliablely now. That was fast!

Terms of service update (12 Jan. 2024)

Updated terms of service (Note that nothing has really changed, but we want to separate the terms of service from the open-source license for the code).

Terms of service and privacy policy

Your use of this add-on constitutes acceptance of and agreement with the Docs™ to Markdown terms and conditions. Your use of this add-on also constitutes acceptance of and agreement with the Docs™ Markdown privacy policy.

Nested lists now close properly in HTML output! (13 Oct. 2024)

This and several other changes in the latest version. Many thanks to GitHub user sevenshamrocks for initiating these fixes/enhancements.

Version 1.0β40 (13 Oct. 2024) includes the following changes:

  • Center/right alignment in Google Doc now converts to center/right in HTML conversion (Markdown to come). Note that GitHub-flavored Markdown does not honor alignment directives.
  • Lists now close and nest properly for HTML conversion.
  • Support added for Markdown checkbox lists.
  • Superscript/subscript handling modified to accommodate mixed font formats properly.

Google Docs tabs no longer breaking internal links (12 Oct. 2024)

Short story: internal links are working again!

Longer story: If you converted any docs in the last couple of days, internal links were broken because Google added some tab information to the heading ID that they generate in the blue-link TOC. If you have any internal links, you need to generate a blue-link TOC, because that is the only way that the Google Doc exposes the heading-ID information. Besides heading information, Google also added some tab information for the new tabbed interface they just rolled out.

See for details.

Google Docs tabs breaking internal links (10 Oct. 2024)

Google rolled out tabs for Google Docs this week. This is breaking internal links to headings in the current Google Doc. Links operate, but take you to the top of the page instead of to the desired heading. See for details. Fix coming soon (we hope).

Italic/bold options, Reckless mode update, News link (21 Sept. 2024)

  • Italic/bold markup in Markup conversion now defaults to * and **, _ and __ is an option.
  • Reckless mode now suppresses both info comments and inline alerts.
  • Added a link in the sidebar to News (this file).

Questions link (31 Aug. 2024)

  • Added a Questions link in the sidebar that goes to the Docs to Markdown community (a Google groups mailing list for questions and discussion).

Suppress info comments (20 Nov. 2023)

You can now opt to suppress the info comment at the top of the conversion.

Reckless mode (10 Jan. 2022)

You can now enable reckless mode, which turns off alerts in the conversion output. See Options for details.

Copy conversion output to clipboard automatically (19 Jun. 2020)

Conversion output is now copied automatically to the clipboard: no need copy manually. If the automatic copy fails, a notice to copy and paste the output appears at the top of the conversion output in the sidebar.

1.0β (8 Jul. 2017)

Initial release of Beta version of gd2md-html (eventually renamed Docs to Markdown) (8 July 2017).

Pre β versions (2014 - 2017)

Initial internal release of gd2md-html as an internal tool at Google in April, 2014. Rewritten from scratch in 2015. Google-specific features removed and a basic open-source version approved and released in July, 2017.