- ISO_IEC_23009-1_2014
- fmp4实现开源方式
- fmp4 nginx实现-nginx-vod-module
- dash相关介绍
- hls vs dash
- fmp4开源-shaka-packager
- nginx rtmp -> dash
- nginx ts->dash
- mp4协议介绍。学好 MP4,让直播更给力
- 媒体文件格式分析之FMP4
- Device and Cross Browser Support For DASH
- mpeg-dash-vp9-vod-live
- webrtc官网
- webrtc spec
- JS端的API文件
- Native端的API文件
- webrtchacks
- 完整WebRTC技术及应用概要
- WebRTC权威指南.pdf(第三版,建议大家购买正版书籍)
- WebRTC语音引擎中NetEQ技术的研究_吴江锐.pdf
- webrtc学习之fec模块(ULPFEC Fec && Flex Fec)
- Comparative Study of WebRTC Open Source SFUs for Video Conferencing(开源webrtc的sfu效果对比)
- andre2018_slides_Comparative_Study_of_SFUs
- Improving Scale and Media Quality with Cascading SFUs
- Optimizing video quality using Simulcast (Oscar Divorra)
- Considerations for deploying a geographically distributed video conferencing system
- 支持webrtc人脸实时检测
- 谁是最好的WebRTC SFU?
- WebRTC Media Server--medooze
- medooze API For node.js
- WebRTC Media Server--pions
- WebRTC Media Server--janus
- WebRTC Media Server--open-webrtc-toolkit
- 跨国实时网络调度系统设计(即构科技)
- 在Google Chrome WebRTC中分层蛋糕式的VP9 SVC
- webrtc-build-scripts(ios && android build script)
- Webrtc Data channel --- QUIC
- 聊聊WebRTC网关服务器1:如何选择服务端端口方案?
- 聊聊WebRTC网关服务器2:如何选择PeerConnection方案?
- 聊聊WebRTC网关服务器3:如何优化Server的线程方案?
- WebRTC拥塞控制策略
- Implement H264 simulcast support and generalize SimulcastEncoderAdapter use for H264 & VP8.
- Simulcast and Janus: what’s new? (and where’s my SSRC?)
- webrtc-load-testing
- Last N: Relevance-Based Selectivity for Forwarding Video in Multimedia Conferences
- 如何构建分布式SFU/MCU媒体服务器?
- 小议WebRTC拥塞控制算法:GCC介绍
- EricssonResearch/scream
- Bandwidth Estimation in WebRTC (and the new Sender Side BWE)
- WebRTC-GCC两种实现方案对比
- WebRTC的拥塞控制和带宽策略
- Nginx 对udp多packet的支持
- 深入理解Nginx模块开发和架构解析
- Nginx开发从入门到精通
- nginx-rtmp-module
- BLSS(NGINX-based Live Media Streaming Server)
- Nginx限速模块初探
- 动态追踪技术漫谈
- lua-nginx-module
- openresty-systemtap-toolkit
- sample-bt (CPU Flame Graphs)
- ngx-sample-lua-bt (CPU Flame Graphs)
- awesome-nginx
- kcp-go
- Nginx支持quic的最新消息
- Golang版本quic<==>quic-go
- QUIC 开源项目汇总
- 快手多媒体传输算法优化实践
- B站QUIC实践之路
- RTP over QUIC draft-rtpfolks-quic-rtp-over-quic-01
- PCC Vivace: Online-Learning Congestion Control
- PCC: Performance-oriented Congestion Control
- Savoury implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3
- HTTP Live Streaming(rfc8216)
- hls之m3u8、ts流格式详解
- HLS fmp4 h264点播播放地址
- HLS fmp4 h265点播播放地址
- 第一章:TS预备知识
- 第二章:从TS到PAT和PMT
- 第三章:深入学习PSI
- 第四章:深入学习SI
- DASH 播放器
- HLS fmp4播放器
- mp4box 工具
- hls.js 播放器
- mp4box 工具
- qt实现的mp4分析工具
- 弱网模拟的工具-network-emulator-toolkit
- 弱网模拟的工具-clumsy
- webrtc munge-sdp
- WWDC16: HLS Supports Fragmented MP4
- WWDC17 – HEVC with HLS
- 2017腾讯LIVE开发者大会
- 2018腾讯LIVE开发者大会
- 2017杭州云栖大会100位大咖视频+讲义全分享
- FOSDEM 2019 - Real Time Communications (RTC) devroom
- Bitmovin: 视频开发者报告 2018
- 2019年低延迟直播技术展望
- On the Road to WebRTC 1.0, Including VP8
- 低延时HLS直播(苹果公司)
- 【杭州云栖】AliQUIC:场景化高性能传输网络实践
- rfc5245(ICE)
- rfc3550(RTP)
- RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video
- rfc3264(Offer/Answer, SDP)
- Annotated Example SDP for WebRTC draft-ietf-rtcweb-sdp-09
- rfc3711 (srtp)
- rfc5285 (A General Mechanism for RTP Header Extensions)
- Framework for Establishing a Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Security Context Using Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
- WebRTC MediaStream Identification in the Session Description Protocol draft-ietf-mmusic-msid-16
- Using Simulcast in SDP and RTP Sessions(draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-simulcast-11)
- Selective Forwarding Middlebox
- 用mp4box将ss.mp4切割成fragment mp4。
mp4box -dash 5000 -frag 5000 -rap -frag-rap -profile dashavc264:live ss.mp4 -out ss_dash.mpd
- 用mp4将ss.mp4切割成fragment mp4。
1. mp4fragment ss.mp4 ss_fragment.mp4
2. mp4dash --use-segment-timeline ss_fragment.mp4
- mp4dump工具