Running with Processing v2
polargraphcontroller v2.0
Updated to run in Processing v2.2.1, with the modern versions of ControlP5
and Geomerative. Functional differences are small, but the frame rate is
now limited to be pretty low, so it no longer grabs and entire core of your
CPU and strangles it to the ground. It's more gentle.
Processing v2.2.1 apparently cannot export MacOS binaries any more (from
Windows), so either a Mac user can help me by sending me one compiled on
your machine, or Mac users will have to make do with the old version
(packaged), or just run from source.
Though there have not been any intentional changes (beyond the frame rate
thing), Processing and ControlP5 have moved on a lot since v1.5, so I
bet there will be breaking things. I haven't come across them yet, but
consider this beta, and please let me know how you get on.