The Kuzzle IoT board is based on a raspberry pi to demonstrate Kuzzle as IoT backend
See for more info about Kuzzle
Each sensor connected to the RPi will publish its own state to act as they were really independent sensors. Thus, each sensor will have its own device_id built as "the_sensor_base_id" + "the_RPi_UID"
The RPi UID is taken from the serial number found in /proc/cpuinfo
For example if RPi serial is "00000000c9591b74", then le light sensor will have the following device_id: "light_lvl_00000000c9591b74"
Light level is measured using TEPT5700 ambient light sensor, datasheet is available here:
The light level acquisition is done using a 12bits DAC (MCP3208) through SPI bus
Device ID: "light_lvl_" + RPi base ID
State published in Kuzzle:
"level": light_level
light_level is the measured light level in almost Lux.
light_level in a float
An PN532 NFC/RFID module is used to read RFID cards, connected to UART '/dev/serial0'
Device ID: "NFC_" + RPi base ID
State published in Kuzzle:
"card_id": "12AADDCCD", // The hexadecimal ID of the RFID sensed tag/card
"in_field": True/False // True if the card is entering the field, False if leaving
4 buttons are connected to GPIOS [6, 13, 19, 26]
Device ID: "buttons_" + RPi base ID
State published in Kuzzle:
"button_0": "BTN_STATE",
"button_1": "BTN_STATE",
"button_2": "BTN_STATE",
"button_3": "BTN_STATE",
A motion sensor is connected to GPIO 5
Device ID: "motion_" + RPi base ID
State published in Kuzzle:
"motion": True/False // True when mouvment is detect, False when no more
There is a webserver that allow configuring the multi-sensor, for now allow configure the host and port where to find Kuzzle. The webserver is accessible through http://kuzzle-sensor.local
There is also a dashboard that allow visualising the state of the sensor. The dashboard is using Kuzzle JS SDK available here: and uses the data recorded on Kuzzle to display the dashboard