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2 The Basics: Downloading and Using MOG

2.1 System Requirements

Operating Systems

  • Windows 10/8.x/7
  • Mac
  • Linux

Recommended Minimum Hardware

  • 1.3GHz or faster processor
  • 2 GB RAM or greater
  • 1024*768 screen resolution

Required Software

  • Java Runtime Environment 8 (or higher)
  • R 3.4 (or higher) [optional]

2.2 Download MOG

MOG is freely available to download from Click the download button, and then download the .zip file. Unzip the downloaded file to get a .jar file, this is the MOG program. MOG’s source code is available at

2.3 Use a pre-compiled project

It’s a lot easier to get started with an existing project. So select and download a ready-to-go project from MOG [the same page that you download MOG from (], there are several pre-compiled MOG projects to choose from. These are vetted projects, most containing public transcriptomics data of thousands of samples of RNA-Seq (from NCBI-SRA) or Affymetrix, and the sample metadata. Because we must rely on existing metadata we download from NCBI-SRA, the information about each sample is only as accurate and comprehensive as what the researchers entered. and download it.

IMPORTANT: Keep each of the three project files (the .mog file, the metadata file, and the data file) in the same directory [folder] (It is OK to add other files to the folder).

2.4 Start MetaOmGraph

DOUBLE CLICK on the .jar file icon. After starting MOG correctly, MOG’s welcome dialog will be displayed on the screen.

welcome image
Figure 2: MOG welcome dialog

2.5 Run MetaOmGraph by providing more memory(RAM)

With large data sets, more memory is needed for a few operations like PCA, t-SNE e.t.c, it is advised to run the MOG with more memory. This can be done either by running the command or by using the poweshell script provided along with the jar file.

2.5.1 Command line:

  1. Open command prompt in windows and terminal in MAC.
  2. Navigate to the MOG directory in the command prompt/terminal using "cd" command or Copy the mog folder to the known location/directory and use "cd" to point the command line/terminal to the MOG jar file location/directory.
  3. Run the command: java -Xms4g -Xmx6g -jar mog-1.8.2.jar

mog-1.8.2.jar is the mog file, If you changed the file to a different name, give that file name instead of this. -Xms4g -Xmx6g: -Xms sets the initial memory and -Xmx sets the maximum memory. 4g represents 4 GB of initial memory, 6g represents 6 GB of maximum memory.

2.5.2 Powershell script

Prerequisite Windows OS

Once the powershell is installed, double click on the "Mog_RunProvidingMoreMemory.ps1" file. It will prompt to enter the minimum and maximum memory(RAM) that you want to provide to MOG and MOG will start. Mac OS

Verify that the powershell is installed correctly or not by typing "pwsh" in the terminal. If it is installed properly, you can find "PS" prepended to the line in the terminal like : PS /Users/xxxxx. Now, navigate to the MOG directory in the terminal using "cd" command or Copy the mog folder to the known location/directory and use "cd" to point the command line/terminal to the MOG jar file location/directory. Once you are in the mog folder, type "Mog_RunProvidingMoreMemory.ps1" in the terminal and it will prompt to enter the minimum and maximum memory(RAM) that you want to provide to MOG and MOG will start.

2.6 Trobleshooting

2.6.1 Cannot Start MOG on MAC

Multiple conflicting Java versions in MAC can create errors in starting MOG. To resolve this, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the terminal window (Press 'cmd' + 'space' to open spotlight search and type terminal, and press 'enter')
  2. Copy paste the below commands in the terminal to remove all the Java versions:
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin 
    sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/JavaControlPanel.prefPane 
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Oracle/Java/
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
  3. Go to to download and install Java.
  4. MOG should now start without any problems.


1. Introduction

2. THE BASICS: Downloading and Using MOG

3. Open a Project

4. The Main MOG GUI

5. Sort, subset, transform, analyze, and reorder the Data

6. Coexpression Analysis

7. Visualizations

8. Differential Expression Analysis

9. Dimensionality Reduction

10. Create Your Own Projects

11. Interface to R

12. Change Project Properties and MOG Properties

13. Reproducibility

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction

1.2 How to use this guide

1.3 Citation

1.4 License

1.5 Glossary


2.1 System Requirements

2.2 Download MOG

2.3 Download a pre-compiled project

2.4 Start MetaOmGraph

2.5 Run MetaOmGraph by providing more memory(RAM)

2.6 Troubleshooting

3. Open a Project

3.1 Open a project

4. The Main MOG GUI

4.1 Save a current project

4.2 Open an existing project

5. Sort, Subset, transform, analyze, and reorder the Data

5.1 Choosing the Replicate Column

5.2 Transform Data

5.3 Feature Lists

5.4 Sample Lists

5.5 Search or Filter Sample MetaData

6. Coexpression Analysis

6.1 Correlation Between Features

6.2 Correlation Matrices

6.3 Correlation Betweeen Samples

7. Visualization

7.1 Line Charts

7.2 Line Charts with Averaged Replicates

7.3 Scatter Plot

7.4 Box Plot

7.5 Histogram

7.6 Volcano Plot

7.7 Correlation Histogram

8. Differential Expression Analysis

8.1 Differential Expression Analysis Window

8.2 Differential Expression Results Window

9. Dimensionality Reduction

9.1 Principal component analysis (PCA)

9.2 t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE)

10. Create Your Own Projects

10.1 Input format

10.2 Start a new project

11. Interface to R

11.1 R script Format

12. Change Project Properties and MOG Properties

12.1 Projects Properties

12.2 MOG properties

13. Reproducibility

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