Developer/Author: Esmatullah Arifi ([email protected] | Facebook)
Please check the official laravel installation guide for server requirements before you start. Official Documentation
Switch to the repo folder
cd simple-task-management
Install all the dependencies using composer
composer install
Install all the dependencies using npm
npm install && npm run prod
Create a database in MySQL with proper collation (e.g. utf8_general_ci
Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes (database connection setting) in the .env file
cp .env.example .env
Generate a new application key
php artisan key:generate
Run the database migration to create the required tables in the database
php artisan migrate
For development of this web application I used the following technologies:
- Laravel 8
- Laravel Breeze (For Authentication)
- Alpine.js
- Tailwind CSS
- SortableJS