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uwiger edited this page Apr 15, 2012 · 1 revision

It is possible to create a named counter, and have multiple queues refer to it.

This has the effect of regulating a set of queues using a single credit pool.

In the following example, we demonstrate the following:

  1. Create a named counter, c1, with a limit of 1.
  2. Create one queue, q1, which refers to the named counter c1.
  3. Use jobs:info(queues) to verify that the queue was created.
  4. Create another queue, q2 after jobs has started, just to show how that's done. Again, verify with jobs:info(queues).
  5. Spawn a number of jobs for each queue. Note that jobs tries to dispatch jobs fairly from the queues, and only one job gets to run at a time (since the shared counter had a limit of 1).
Eshell V5.9  (abort with ^G)
1> application:load(jobs).
2> application:set_env(jobs,counters, [{c1,[{limit,1}]}]).
3> application:set_env(jobs,queues,[{q1,[{regulators,[{named_counter,c1,1}]}]}]).
4> application:start(jobs).
5> jobs:info(queues).
6> jobs:add_queue(q2,[{named_counter,c1,1}]).
7> jobs:info(queues).                        
8> [spawn_link(fun() -> jobs:run(Q, fun() -> io:fwrite("~p running~n", [{Q,N}]), timer:sleep(1000), io:fwrite("~p done.~n", [{Q,N}]) end) end) || Q <- [q1,q2], N <- lists:seq(1,3)].
{q1,1} running
{q1,1} done.
{q2,1} running
{q2,1} done.
{q1,2} running
{q1,2} done.
{q2,2} running
{q2,2} done.
{q1,3} running
{q1,3} done.
{q2,3} running
{q2,3} done.
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