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Releases: esaude/openmrs-module-eptsreports

Updated PEPFAR MER 2.4 Quarterly, Semi Annual and IM-ER Reports, Update MISAU Monthly and Quarterly Report. New TPT Dispensation Form, modifications of the CACUM and Home Visit Card forms

21 Sep 13:47
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Changes include:

  • Reporting Module
    • PEPFAR MER 2.4 Quarterly Report (updated)
      • TX_CURR
      • TX_ML
      • TX_NEW
      • TX_PVLS
      • TX_RTT
    • PEPFAR MER 2.4 Semi Annual Report (updated)
      • TX_TB
      • TB_PREV
    • MISAU Reports
      • SISMA Monthly Report (updated)
      • SISMA Quarterly Report (updated)
    • IM-ER Reports
      • IMER2 (updated)
      • IMER4 (updated)
      • DSD Indicators (updated)
  • HTML Forms and Concepts
    • Included new form FILT for TPT Drug Pick UP
    • Updated Home Visit Card to support Phone call registries (new Fields included)
      • Added new section Tipo de Contacto with following options
        • Domiciliar
        • Chamada Telefónica
      • On section 31. Motivos de não encontrar o paciente na visita added the following options for 3 visits
        • Não Atendeu
        • Incontactável
        • Numero de telefone errado
    • Updated Laboratorio Geral to include additional new Fields
      • On section Resultados Hematologia
        • Included Carga Viral Qualitativa (Carga Viral) with the following options
          • Nível baixo de detecção
          • Indetectável
          • Menor que 10 copias/ml
          • Menor que 20 copias/ml
          • Menor que 40 copias/ml
          • Menor que 400 copias/ml
          • Menor que 839 copias/ml
    • Updated CCU: Rastreio Form according to the new MoH template (Ficha de Registo para rastreio dos cancros do colo uterino e da mama)
    • Updated form submission configuration to not allow duplicate entries of the same form on the system
    • Inclusion of CRAM Identifier for patients that are migrated from the MSF CRAM database to EPTS to allow the retention of the CRAM id that was assigned to the patient.
    • Inclusions of DISA “NID” Identifier that captures an incomplete NID for a patient that was entered into DISA to facilitate matching of viral load reports in EPTS.
  • Patient Registration
    • Updated NID Format Error Message (Identificador ] não coincide com formato exigido: CCPPDDUUSS/AAAA/NNNNN)


23 Mar 16:42
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• PEPFAR MER 2.4 Quarterly Report (updated)
• PEPFAR MER 2.4 Semi Annual Report (updated)
• Data Quality Report
◦ Update EC6, EC7, EC8 and EC10
◦ Removed EC20 Data Quality Report
◦ Added EC20 into Data Quality Report
• MISAU Reports
◦ SISMA Monthly Report (update)
◦ SISMA Quarterly Report (new)

PEPFAR MER 2.4 Quarterly Report

30 Dec 11:19
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Bug Fix of tickets reported on Helpdesk with number
■ #376 and #379 - Error on executing PEPFAR MER 2.4 Quarterly reports created due to data quality issues, as there are many patients with their
last consultation without next scheduled consultation date. A date
validation was included to fix the error.

PEPFAR MER 2.4 Quarterly Report

24 Dec 19:18
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PEPFAR MER 2.4 Quarterly Report(updated)

Updates in the existed reports

23 Dec 11:02
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IM-ER-Report (updated)
○ IM-ER2
○ IM-ER4
○ Added new DSD indicators (AF; CA,
DC and DS)

Updates to existing EPTS reports

12 Nov 08:00
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  • Breastfeeding & pregnant queries
    • Added filter for female patients back to the query
  • Base cohort
    • Added MasterCard encounter type to base cohort query
  • TxNew
  • TxCurr
    1. MasterCard added as primary source in the following queries:
      a. Patients who initiated the treatment
      b. Dead patients
      c. Transferred out patients
      d. Suspended/stopped treatment patients
    2. Home Visit Card added as primary source in the following queries:
      a. Dead patients
    3. Updated the query “Patients who left the program due the reasons: dead, transferred-out, suspended/stopeed treatment” to not include parients who after the most recent date of the exclusion had a drugs pick up or consultation.
    4. Redifined/replace LTFU query to: All patients having the most recent date between last scheduled drug pickup date (Fila) or last scheduled consultation date (Ficha Seguimento or Ficha Clínica) or 30 days after last ART pickup date (Recepção – Levantou ARV) and adding 30 days and this date being less than reporting end Date.

Updates to existing EPTS reports

11 Nov 08:56
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EPTS handover release

  • Data Quality Report
    • Fixes
      • label changes for EC3 to match web view
      • update date format for EC15 in template
      • add ART workflow state filter for EC3, EC4, EC14 & EC15
  • TxML bug fixes
  • MasterCard Resumo Mensal
    • Fixes
      • Fixed totals 0-14 bug in template (totals were not matching)
      • Fix age calce B4 where not calculating total correctly (boundary was off by one)
      • Fix B7, B8, B10, & B12 references in excel template, where pointing to wrong disaggregation
    • New sections
      • E1-3
      • F1-3

New Master Card report and add more checks to Data quality Report and fix DsD indicators for IM-ER

20 Sep 15:55
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Changes include:

  • IM-ER (Early Retention Indicators) - Updated

    • DSD indicators added:
      • Denominator (1): Number of active patients on ART Eligible for DSD
      • Denominator (2): Number of active patients on ART Not Eligible for DSD
      • Numerator (1): Number of active on ART whose next ART pick-up is schedule for 83-97 days after the date of their last ART drug pick-up
      • Numerator (2): Number of active patients on ART whose next clinical consultation is scheduled 175-190 days after the date of the last clinical consultation
      • Numerator (3): Number of active patients on ART that are participating in GAAC at the end of the month prior to the month of results submission deadline.
  • Data Quality Report - New

    • This report contains the list of patients for each one of the following edit checks:
      • EC1- The patient’s sex is male and the patient is pregnant.
      • EC2- The patient’s sex is male and the patient is breastfeeding.
      • EC3- The patient’s vital status is dead and the patient has an ART pick up date after the date of death or death notification
      • EC4- The patient’s vital status is dead and the patient has a clinical consultation after date of death or death notification
      • EC5- The patient’s vital status is dead and the patient has a laboratory result (specimen collection date or test order date) after the date of death or death notification / entry into EPTS.
      • EC6- The patient has been identified as transferred out but has an ART pick up date after the transfer out date
      • EC7- The patient has been identified as transferred out but has a clinical consultation date after the transfer out date
      • EC8- The patient has been identified as transferred out but has a laboratory results(specimen collection date or report date) after the transfer out date
      • EC9- The patient has been identified as abandoned but has an ART pick up date after the abandoned date
      • EC10- The patient has been identified as abandoned but has a clinical consultation date after the abandoned date
      • EC11- The patient has been identified as abandoned but has a laboratory results(specimen collection date or report date) after the abandoned date
      • EC12- The patient’s date of birth, estimated date of birth or entered age indicate the patient was born before 1920
      • EC13- The patient's date of birth, estimated date of birth or age is negative
      • EC14- The patients birth, estimated date of birth or age indicates they are > 100 years of age
      • EC15- The patient’s date of birth is after any drug pick up date

New Data quality Report and new DsD indicators for IM-ER

02 Aug 16:30
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Changes include:

  • IM-ER (Early Retention Indicators) - Updated

    • DSD indicators added:
      • Denominator (1): Number of active patients on ART Eligible for DSD
      • Denominator (2): Number of active patients on ART Not Eligible for DSD
      • Numerator (1): Number of active on ART whose next ART pick-up is schedule for 83-97 days after the date of their last ART drug pick-up
      • Numerator (2): Number of active patients on ART whose next clinical consultation is scheduled 175-190 days after the date of the last clinical consultation
      • Numerator (3): Number of active patients on ART that are participating in GAAC at the end of the month prior to the month of results submission deadline.
  • Data Quality Report - New

    • This report contains the list of patients for each one of the following edit checks:
      • EC1- The patient’s sex is male and the patient is pregnant.
      • EC2- The patient’s sex is male and the patient is breastfeeding.
      • EC3- The patient’s vital status is dead and the patient has an ART pick up date after the date of death or death notification
      • EC4- The patient’s vital status is dead and the patient has a clinical consultation after date of death or death notification
      • EC5- The patient’s vital status is dead and the patient has a laboratory result (specimen collection date or test order date) after the date of death or death notification / entry into EPTS.
      • EC6- The patient has been identified as transferred out but has an ART pick up date after the transfer out date
      • EC7- The patient has been identified as transferred out but has a clinical consultation date after the transfer out date
      • EC8- The patient has been identified as transferred out but has a laboratory results(specimen collection date or report date) after the transfer out date
      • EC9- The patient has been identified as abandoned but has an ART pick up date after the abandoned date
      • EC10- The patient has been identified as abandoned but has a clinical consultation date after the abandoned date
      • EC11- The patient has been identified as abandoned but has a laboratory results(specimen collection date or report date) after the abandoned date
      • EC12- The patient’s date of birth, estimated date of birth or entered age indicate the patient was born before 1920
      • EC13- The patient's date of birth, estimated date of birth or age is negative
      • EC14- The patients birth, estimated date of birth or age indicates they are > 100 years of age
      • EC15- The patient’s date of birth is after any drug pick up date

Minor Release: new reports and updates to existing reports

27 Jun 12:05
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Changes include:

  • PEPFAR MER 2.3 Quarterly - Updated
    • Base Cohort updated
      • The base cohort that affect all the reports was changed to include patients on ART who don’t have their first appointment for some reason (eg. migration) but were enrolled and are in treatment.
    • TX_NEW
      • Removed the gender filter on the pregnancy and breastfeeding queries.
      • Now including patients who initiated and restarted treatment during the reporting period.
    • TX_PVLS
      • Breastfeeding and pregnant queries
        • Now checking the criterias that occurred during the 18 or 9 months period instead of looking at the last observation.
        • Removes the gender check for breastfeeding and pregnancy everywhere in the code
      • Patients who have at least one (the last) Viral Load result registered during the last 12 months period:
        • Changed to exclude patients who have the last Viral Load Result on the first day of 12 months period, to avoid duplication from previous reporting period.
      • Routine queries
        • Criteria 1
          • Excluding 1 day from the six months date for routine criteria 1 when checking if a patient has any other viral load observation between ART Initiation date and six months later.
          • Including equal boundaries to all our date limits
        • Criteria 2
          • Including equal boundaries to all our date limits
        • Criteria 3
          • Excluding patients who have viral load between therapy changing date and therapy changing date+6 months as opposed to end of reporting period-12 months
          • Including equal boundaries to all our date limits
  • IM-ER (Early Retentions Indicators) - Updated
    • Base cohort updated
  • PEPFAR MER 2.3 Semi-Annual Report - Updated
    • Base cohort updated
  • TX_CURR Report 2.1 - Updated
    • Base cohort updated
  • QUALITY IMPROVEMENT REPORT 2019 - New report from sql
    • Implemented report from sql scripts
  • TX RET 2.1 Report - New report from sql
    • Implemented report from sql scripts
  • RESUMO MENSAL US - HIV/SIDA - Ficha de Seguimento - New report from sql
    • Implemented report from sql scripts