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Software gateway for selcalls in the German analog BOS-radio network


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PersonalFME - Gateway linking analog radio selcalls to internet communication services

PersonalFME is detecting selcalls ("Fünftonfolgen") within the analog radio network of the German emergency services ("BOS") and is forwarding them in various ways such as alarm message apps, e-mail and via external program calls. It requires an external radio receiver such as a radio device or a radio scanner that needs to be connected to the applied computer via a sound card.

PersonalFME can even run on mini-computers such as RaspberryPi in continuous operation.

PersonalFME is developed for the selcalls used by the German BOS, but may be adaptable to selcalls defined by the standards in other countries.

Dies ist der Quellcode von PersonalFME und richtet sich an technisch ausgebildete Personen, daher ist der Inhalt vollständig in englischer Sprache. Eine ausführliche Anwenderdokumentation für die Allgemeinheit in deutscher Sprache findet sich im Handbuch.

Detailed documentation about the configuration and operation of the program is available in the handbook (only in German).

Supported platforms

  • Raspberry Pi OS 11 (Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and higher, only Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is actually tested)
  • Debian 11 Bullseye
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Windows 11, 10, 8.1

Previous versions of Linux are no longer supported, they can only be used with a previous version of PersonalFME. Windows 7 is no longer supported.



1. General

For Linux only the source code is currently available, see below for the compilation instructions.

2. Compiling the program including the installer

The program uses a CMake-based build system (requires CMake version 3.5.0 or higher). It is using C++14 and is tested to compile with GCC 10.2 and newer under Debian / Ubuntu Linux. The code is written in platform-independent C++ using platform-independent libraries. Compilation with other Linux-distributions should be straightforward.

An installer package will be created during the compilation.

Enable the Universe repository (only for Ubuntu):

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt update

Install all dependencies:

All dependencies can be conveniently installed via the package manager apt:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake openssl libssl-dev portaudio19-dev libxerces-c-dev libsndfile-dev libalglib-dev ncurses-dev libboost-all-dev libpoco-dev

Compile the source code

Clone the source code:

cd source/code/root/path
git clone
cd personalfme
git submodule update --init --recursive
git checkout tags/v1.1.0

Configure your build. Note that you should set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release (or Debug in special cases):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Now you can build personalfme:

make -jn


You may use the option -jn to build on n cores in parallel (replace n by a number such as -j2). This may require a large main memory.

Generate the package by executing:

sudo make package

It is recommended to execute the command as root in order to prevent problems with the Debian maintainer script file permissions.


This requires that a number of revision dependent files as well as the documentation PDF are existing within the source code. If this is not the case, see below for recreating the documentation.

3. Installation

The package can be installed using:

sudo dpkg -i personalfme_#.#.#-#_amd64.deb

Further details about the installation can be found in the pdf or online handbook.

Expert options, not for general usage

4. Regenerating the documentation

Normally the documentation PDF is already provided in the Git repository and does not need to be created separately. The documentation can be regenerated if you have a running DocBook installation and the external Git submodule has been initialized (see previous section).


The documentation (and some other revision dependent files) can only be created if the source code tree used is under Git-version control.

  • install the required programs:

    sudo apt install xsltproc fop docbook-xsl default-jre
  • generate the documentation target by configuring CMake accordingly:

  • run the documentation targets:

    make PdfDocumentation
    make ManpageDocumentation

5. Building the unit tests

Building the unit tests requires the CMake option -DOption_BUILD_UNITTESTS=ON:



1. General

For Windows, it is recommended to download and install the pre-compiled binary. Due to license issues, the required runtime libraries for Microsoft C++ 2022 are not included. If you have not already installed them, you have to download and install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 for x86:

2. Compiling the program including the installer

Usually it is not recommended to compile the program manually if using Windows, use the pre-compiled binary instead.

The program uses a CMake-based build system (requires CMake version 3.5.0 or higher). It is using C++14 and is tested to compile with Visual Studio 2022 Community under Windows. It may not compile with earlier versions of Visual Studio. The code is written in platform-independent C++ using platform-independent libraries.

PersonalFME is usually compiled for x86 architecture (although x64 should work as well, but then all libraries also need to be provided for x64). Note that this is no longer the default in CMake and needs to be changed when configuring the build.

An installer package will be created during the compilation by building the project PACKAGE in Visual Studio.


This requires that a number of revision dependent files as well as the documentation PDF are existing within the source code. If this is not the case, see below for recreating the documentation.

Install all dependencies:

The dependencies of PersonalFME are on Windows provided using the package manager vcpkg.

vcpkg can be installed anywhere on the machine, for instructions see:

Install the following dependencies using vcpkg (note that they will be compiled by this command which will take quite some time), the required triplet is x86-windows which should be the default:

vcpkg install portaudio boost-asio boost-assign boost-date-time boost-locale boost-math boost-serialization boost-signals2 xerces-c libsndfile poco poco[netssl]


At the time of writing this documentation, the installation of poco[netssl] required the vcpkg package openssl to be already installed. This package is however only required during the installation and can then be uninstalled.

For the unit tests, these additional dependencies are required:

vcpkg install boost-accumulators boost-test

Configure CMake and build the project:

  • download the PersonalFME code base, you could either check the GitHub
  • project ( out using Git or download the zip-file of the latest release from Github (
  • start the CMake GUI
  • provide the source code path, i.e. the root path of the PersonalFME code base on your machine
  • enter the binary path, it should be a folder ./build being a sub-folder in the code base root directory
  • click on the Configure button and choose Win32 as platform and Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling
  • provide the vcpkg toolchain file: [vcpkg root]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
  • click on Generate
  • click on Open Project to open the Visual Studio project
  • build the Release and Debug version

3. Installation

The program is now simply installed by running the installer PersonalFME-#.#.#-win32.exe that has been created by Visual Studio building the project PACKAGE. It is located in the directory ./build/Release.

The required CMake option Option_CREATE_INSTALLER should be enabled by default.

Expert options, not for general usage

4. Regenerating the documentation

Normally the documentation PDF-file is already provided in the source code ZIP-file and does not need to be created separately. The documentation can be regenerated if you have a running DocBook installation.


The documentation (and some other revision dependent files) can only be created if the source code tree used is under Git-version control.

  • install DocBook, then you have to set the environment variable DOCBOOK_ROOT, for example to: C:/DocBook/stylesheets/docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.1
  • Java
  • the FOP-processor (version 2.0)
  • the Saxon XSLT processor (version HE9-7-0)
  • the CLASSPATH environment variable for Java has to be set similar to: C:\Program Files\Saxonica\SaxonHE9-7-0_1J\saxon9he.jar;C:\DocBook\xslthl-2.1.3\xslthl-2.1.3.jar

It is necessary to update the Git-repository submodule CMakeModules/externals/CMake-gitinfo before building the project.

Check the options Option_CREATE_DOCUMENTATION and Option_USE_GIT in the CMake-GUI to generate the documentation target. This will create a project PdfDocumentation in Visual Studio that can be run to create the documentation.

5. Building the unit tests

Building the unit tests requires the CMake option -DOption_BUILD_UNITTESTS=ON:


Unit tests

The tests are grouped by different labels. All tests with a single label can be run like this:

./Unittests --run_test=@default

The following labels are available:

Label Contained Tests
default All tests that should always work, even if no audio device is available
with_audio All tests requiring an active audio device on the test machine
realtime_with_audio Testing of realtime selcall detection1

The label default contains the tests that can be run even on a cloud machine without an audio device and covers all relevant use cases. Running the tests with this label is sufficient to ensure the correct functionality of the software.


Dieses Programm steht unter der GNU General Public License Version 3 oder einer neueren Version. Das Programm darf daher frei weitergegeben und verändert werden, solange der Quellcode frei zugänglich bleibt. Der Autor übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für das korrekte Funktionieren der Software und eventuelle Folgen aus einem Programmfehler.

Warnhinweis: Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass das willentliche unbefugte Erlangen von Informationen aus nicht-öffentlichen Funkdiensten, z.B. der Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS) strafbar ist. Dies gilt auch für die Auswertung von Fünftonfolgen. Die vorschriftsgemäße Nutzung des Programms liegt allein in der Verantwortung des Nutzers.

Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Ralf Rettig

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


  1. Requires running the executable CoreTester as a counterpart on the same computer.