AKSSF project description
Project to describe and map thermal sensitivities for Central and Southwest Alaska - Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, and Copper River, Kodiak, and Bristol Bay.
Note: supplemental funding from FWS to include Kodiak temperature data in this project. And, second AKSSF award to do a similar analysis for Bristol Bay. Kodiak data will be cleaned in this repo. Bristol Bay data are being prepared concurrently for another project so final data can be imported from SWSHP-Bristol-Bay-Thermal-Diversity github repo.
Project Objectives
Objective 1: Characterize thermal regimes as they relate to salmon life-histories - specifically juvenile rearing, spawning, and adult migration. Objective 2: Estimate thermal sensitivity of salmon habitats to climate change. Objective 3: Map thermal sensitivities of salmon habitats and identify habitats more at risk to climate warming, habitats with high potential to provide cold-water refugia under future climate change, and an assessment of the exposure of subsistence fisheries (i.e., populations) to temperature warming. Objective 4: Make project analysis and geospatial databases and maps from Objectives 1-3 publicly available to stakeholders through University of Alaska’s Center for Conservation Science (ACCS) data portal, state meetings, conferences, and publications.