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Template Experiment Project

This is a template repository for creating an experiment environment in Python. It intends to speed up the research process - reducing the repository structure design - and to have it clean and concise through multiple experiments.

Inspired by the cookiecutter folder structure.


  • Search for all TODOs in the project and add the appropriate values
  • Rename this README title and description

☑️ Requirements

Before starting the project make sure these requirements are available:

  • python. For setting up the environment and Python dependencies (version 3.8 or higher).
  • git. For versioning your code.

🛠️ Setup

Create a python environment

First, create a virtual environment where all the modules will be stored.

Using venv

Using the venv command, run the following commands:

# create a new virtual environment
python -m venv venv

# activate the environment (UNIX)
source ./venv/bin/activate

# activate the environment (WINDOWS)

# deactivate the environment (UNIX & WINDOWS)


Check the requirements.txt file. If you have any additional requirements, add them here.

To install the requirements run:

pip install -e .

🗃️ Data

TODO: Provide information about the data used in the experiments

  • Where is the data found
  • How is the data structured

⚗️ Experiments

To run the experiments, run the following commands:

TODO: Provide scripts for the experiments


The results folder contains the experiment

TODO: Provide a list/table of experiment results

📦️ Available models

This project produced the following models:

  • TODO: Name and the link to the model

🚀 Using the trained model

When the model is trained, the following script shows how one can use the model:

TODO: Provide an example of how to use the model

📚 Papers

In case you use any of the components for your research, please refer to (and cite) the papers:

TODO: Paper

📓 Related work

TODO: Related work

🚧 Work In Progress

  • Setup script
  • Code for data preparation
  • Code for model training
  • Code for model validation
  • Code for model evaluation

📣 Acknowledgments

TODO: Acknowledgements