Welcome to the repository of practice exercises from the MAKE IT REAL Bootcamp!
In this repository, you will find the exercises I have developed during my participation in the MAKE IT REAL Bootcamp. These exercises cover a wide range of programming topics and concepts, showcasing my progress and learning throughout the bootcamp.
The repository is organized as follows:
Modules Folder: Contains subfolders corresponding to each module of the bootcamp. Inside each subfolder, you will find exercises related to that specific module.
- Fase Inicial: Sprint 1
- Flexbox : Flexbox CSS/HTML Responsive Project
- Manejo del DOM con JavaScript Vanilla : Project Task List: Javascript Vanilla
- Css Avanzado - SASS : Project My Team Page - Mobile First, Flexbox, Sass
- BEM : ProfileCard - BEM notation
- Javascript Funciones : functional-programming-es6-javascript
2.- Fase Inicial: Sprint 2
- Into JXS : my-first-react-app
- Manejo de Component : Project React - QR Compoment
- Album React : Album-React
- Interactive Rating Component : Interactive Rating Component
Clone or download this repository to your local machine to access the exercise files.
Explore the modules and projects folder to review the different exercises I have completed.
Within each exercise or project folder, you will find the source code files and any other necessary resources.
Feel free to review, comment, or even use the exercises as a reference in your own projects.
This repository is personal and represents my work during the MAKE IT REAL Bootcamp. Therefore, external contributions will not be accepted. However, I appreciate any constructive feedback or comments you may have.
Thank you for your interest in my progress during the MAKE IT REAL Bootcamp! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.