The application is a product inventory management system that utilizes CRUD operations to manage products. It allows users to create, edit, update, and delete products. The application consists of a backend and frontend, and this repository contains the backend structure. This is the link of the frontend repository: Frontend Project , and the link of the application deployed in vercel: Deployed Project
To install the project and run it locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
Navigate to the project's root directory:
cd CrudProject-Express
Install the required dependencies using npm or yarn. Run either of the following commands:
npm install
Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the application using the following command:
npm start
The backend server will start running on your local host.
The goal of the project was to implement a product inventory management system using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern. The application utilizes environment variables, and it is designed to be deployed on a platform like Render. Postman was used during the development process to test the different endpoints of the application.
The project was built with the following technologies and tools:
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Nodemon
- Cors
- @makeitrealcamp/db-mock
During the development of this project, I gained experience in using Express.js to build REST API and implementing CRUD operations. I also learned about environment variables, testing APIs with Postman, and using libraries for simulating databases.
In future development, I plan to enhance the project by adding additional features, such as authentication and authorization for user access, pagination and filtering options for the product list, and error handling.
Here are some resources that were helpful in the development of this project:
This project was created by viamazoba and erickfabiandev. You can find our GitHub profiles at the following links: