Dotfiles for Manjaro installations
Enables AUR.
Contains .env.example file with common environment variables. This file will be copied to .env during init, so that custom environment variables can be added by the user.
The file VERSION contains the latest version number, and will be copied to VERSION.CURRENT after successful install / upgrade. The VERSION.CURRENT file is ignored, and MUST NOT be removed or edited.
- aspnet-runtime (pacman)
- Azure Storage Explorer (Snap)
- Datagrip (snap)
- Docker (pacman)
- Docker Compose (pacman)
- dotnet-host (pacman)
- dotnet-runtime (pacman)
- dotnet-sdk (pacman)
- dotnet-targeting-pack (pacman)
- Ferdium (AUR)
- FileZilla (pacman)
- Fira Code Fonts (pacman)
- Flutter (AUR)
- gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect (if GNOME)
- Google Chrome Browser (AUR)
- guake (pacman) (if GNOME)
- Inkscape (pacman)
- Insomnia Designer (AUR)
- Insomnia Core (AUR)
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (Snap)
- Libre Office (pacman)
- Oh My Zsh (shell script)
- Oh My Zsh plugin: autosuggestions (shell script)
- Oh My Zsh plugin: syntaxhighlighting (shell script)
- Oh My Zsh theme: powerlevel10k (shell script)
- Pamac (pacman)
- Postman (AUR)
- Powerline Fonts (pacman)
- PowerShell (AUR)
- PyCharm Professional Edition (snap)
- Snap (pacman)
- UFW (pacman)
- Visual Studio Code (Snap)
- Vivaldi (pacman)
- Xournal Plus Plus (pacman)
- Yakuake (pacman) (if KDE)
- Zsh (pacman) (if KDE (already default in GNOME))
- icanhas
- gitcanhas
- hextouuid
- last - shows last log entry
- tl - shows list of tags
- SSH - ServerAliveInterval 60
- SSH - ServerAliveCountMax 2