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InspireMatrix + CH32V003

This repository contains various projects and utilities for working with the CH32V003 microcontroller.

Older hardware (InspireMatrix):


Project Structure

  • .github:

    • workflows: GitHub Actions workflows.
    • Doxyfile: Doxygen configuration.
  • .vscode:

    • settings.json: VSCode settings:

      "C_Cpp.default.compilerPath": "riscv-none-elf-gcc",

    To set the default compiler to riscv-none-elf-gcc for IDE integration.

  • ch32v003_stt

  • ch32v003fun

    • driver.h: Contains the most frequently used functions for the CH32V003.

    • i2c_events.h: Contains some frequently used I2C functions written manually.

    • i2c_tx.c, i2c_tx.h, oled_min.c, oled_min.h: Contains some frequently used functions for the SSD1306 OLED display. Comes from

    • ws2812b_simple.h: Contains one function for controlling the WS2812B LEDs. You need to declare the following variables in your code: In funconfig.h:


      In your code (e.g. main.c):

      // ...
      #include "ws2812b_simple.h"
    • Originally from the extralibs folder in

  • data

    • buttons.h: Button ADC calibration data.

      Contains two sets of data, one for the first prototype InspireMatrix and one for the second prototype InspireComputer (which uses two ADC channels for buttons). If you are using the InspireComputer, declare the following in funconfig.h:

    • colors.h: Contains the color palette for the InspireMatrix or InspireComputer.

      One global variable led_array[] act as buffer to store the color data to be displayed. Provides functions to manipulate the led_array[] buffer.

    • fonts.h: Display numbers and characters in the size of 3x5 on WS2812B LEDs.

    • music.h: Frequencies, durations and functions for playing music using a buzzer. To play sound, use JOY_sound().

  • emulator

    • Support development of basic embedded system software on Windows/MacOS without requiring physical hardware.
    • Aims to achieve function compatibility with the ch32v003fun library.
  • i2c-comm

    • Communication between two boards using I2C protocol. The code contains a master and a slave.
  • misc

    • libgcc.a required by the ch32v003fun library on MacOS. See here for more information.
  • movingnum

    • Animations of numbers moving from right to left, bottom to top. Uses math instead of hard coding. Demonstrates the use of fonts.h.
  • paint-cursor

    • Draw images on InspireMatrix with direction buttons and matrix buttons
    • Connection:
      • PD2: SW (Analog to Digital PIN)
      • PC6: IN (WS2812B Data PIN)
  • paint

    • Paint on InspireMatrix.
  • rv-asm

    • Coding RISC-V Compressed instructions on a board with buttons, and showing the result on the matrix.
    • Originally from
  • rv-dis (Working in progress)

  • testing

    • This folder contains a bunch of test programs that are subject to change, and are not guaranteed to work for your specific hardware.


Both savepaint and save-rvasm implements an filesystem structure.

  • savepaint

    • Add saving and loading features.
    • Combines paint, movingcar, snake-game and tic-tac-toe
    • How to play:
      • Before first icon appearing, hold Y to clear all the saved paints.
      • After first icon appearing, use UP and DOWN to select apps.
      • Use LEFT to use the selected app.
      • Integrated paint:
        • Press 64 (or NUM_LEDS buttons) to toggle between foreground color and background color.
        • Press X or Y to change the foreground or background color.
        • Press UP button to load a saved paint.
        • Press DOWN button to save the current paint.
      • Integrated movingcar:
        • Currently 64 buttons are divided into left and right section.
        • For each row (8 buttons), left four buttons correspond to Left Wheel Forward, Left Wheel Backward, Right Wheel Forward, Right Wheel Backward.
        • For each row (8 buttons), right four buttons correspond to Red, Green, Blue and Special Command (Currently not used). The LEDs will display the colors when the motor is running.
        • E.g. if buttons (counting from left) 1, 3, 5 are pressed, the car will go forward and displays red on the entire screen.
        • Special: If all 8 buttons are pressed, the program will go back the first instruction to execute.
      • Integrated snake-game:
        • Press Y to start.
        • Use up / down / left / right to move the snake.
      • Integrated tic-tac-toe:
        • Press any of the empty spot to play.
      • When any of the app ends, press Y to go back to the main menu. (NVIC_SystemReset() is called)
  • save-rvasm

    • Add saving and loading features
    • Uses rv-asm.
    • How to play:
      • Before the load save menu appear, hold X to clear all the saved paints.
      • Pick a saved program to load. Each program size is 32 instructions (hence 64 bytes / 1 page in the filesystem).
      • Press Y to load the default program (Smile face) instead of loading a saved program. You must choose this if no program are saved.
      • Use UP and DOWN to navigate the instruction pages. The top 32 LEDs in light pink indicates which page is currently displayed. E.g. 1 LED on => page 1 => Instruction 1 and 2.
      • Use Y to execute the program.
      • The button 32 LEDs are used to display the current instruction, with the active bit highlighted as blue.
      • Notes when writing programs:
        • You MUST end your program with an ecall (a.k.a 0x0073) to exit the program.
  • snake-game

    • Porting the classic snake game to InspireMatrix, which has 8x8=64 LEDs and up / down / left / right controls.
  • tic-tac-toe

    • Play tic-tac-toe with a bot
    • Press button to start
    • Green is player while Red is the bot
    • Try to win it (very easy)

funconfig.h Explanation

#ifndef _FUNCONFIG_H // Guard
#define _FUNCONFIG_H

#define CH32V003 1 // Required
#define FUNCONF_USE_UARTPRINTF 1 // For printf() over UART (Use Hercules to view)
#define FUNCONF_UART_PRINTF_BAUD 115200 // Baud rate
// Connect UTX pin to RX pin in WCH-LinkE

// Newly created definitions
#define horizontalButtons 8
#define verticalButtons 8
#define NUM_LEDS (horizontalButtons * verticalButtons)

// Not required for the new InspireComputer board
// For GameConsole, need to define the following
// and connect buzzer pin to RX.
// Affects ch32v003fun.h SystemInit() UART printf initialization.
// #define CH32V003J4M6_USE_PD6_AS_UART_TX

// Required for WS2812B LEDs `ws2812b_simple.h`



Two options are available for compilation:

  • make

    • Compile and output *.hex and *.bin files which can be used for flashing the program into CH32V003.
  • make emulator

    • Compile an executable using GCC which runs natively on your operating system, simulating behaviour on real hardware.


Great thanks to these projects (LICENSE included):

Check out our other projects as well