In this project, I tried to create soccer cards which I played in my past.
You can see a picture about these cards at below.
I played these cards with my friends almost 20 years ago.
So, I decided to generate these cards with using transfermarkt datas.
I prepared some base photos as useful source for me. You can see them at below.
I created them using Gimp and MS Power Point.
I used a technique to get data from transfermarkt which is known as web scraping. Also, I manipulated the pictures and datas which is downloaded.
You can see the final result as below.
- PyCharm Community Edition 2022.2.3 (To write codes and generate cards)
- Gimp & Power Point (To create base photos)
- Font files (To make almost same font in cards)
- Be sure that Python 3 version is installed in your PC.
- Clone the project using this command:
- Install required packages with using this command in terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the project.
- Generated files will be under the ProjectRootDirectory/output-photos/final-results folder.
- If you run the code directly without changing anything, you will get player cards of Sportoto Super League Teams from Turkey.
- To generate cards from other leagues, please change the value of variable named leagueLinkAddress with a transfermarkt league link address
- For Example to generate England Premier League use this link:
- Also some values are calculated with some random values if it does not exist or can not get from transfermarkt.
- For example weight, height, market value, player number etc.
The MIT License (MIT)