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Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2 - Domoticz

release Python license open_issue closed_issue

The Xiaomi Mi sensor provides temperature and humidity over BLE.

This script also supports the ATC custom firmware! Be sure to select atc1441 format.


How it works

  1. Preparing Domoticz

    Create a virtual sensor (Temperature & Humidity) in Domoticz (as much as you need).


    Note the IDX value of virtual sensor (Setup/Devices)!


    If you want to get the raw voltage of battery, you also need to create the Voltage sensors too. The IDX value of the sensor is also required!

    Enable API Basic Auth

    basic auth api

  2. Finding the Bluetooth MAC Address of the sensor

    Turn on the Xiaomi Mi sensor (Insert the battery).

    Run the following command to find the MAC address:

    sudo hcitool lescan

    Example result:

    LE Scan ...
    46:4D:55:28:41:CA (unknown)
    A4:C1:38:DC:8F:2E LYWSD03MMC
    A4:C1:38:4D:D5:F0 ATC_4DD5F0

    Note down the MAC address!

  3. Prepare the required modules

    Install modules:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

    Wait a minute...

    sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip git
    sudo pip3 install requests bluepy

    Check the Python version! It must be at least 3.6 or higher!

  4. Edit the script

    Clone repository:

    git clone

    Open the and edit the parameters at the top of the script!

    cd xiaomi-mi-lywsd03mmc
    sudo nano

    DOMOTICZ_CREDENTIALS : "username : password" encoded in base 64

    # domoticz configuration
    # username:password base64 encoded

    MAC : MAC address of the Xiaomi Mi sensor.

    TH_IDX : IDX value of the Temperature & Humidity sensor(s) in Domoticz.

    VOLTAGE_IDX : IDX value of the Voltage sensor(s) in Domoticz.

    # sensor dictionary to add own sensors
    # if you don't want to use the raw voltage option, just write -1 in the VOLTAGE_IDX value field
    sensors = {     1: {"MAC": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "TH_IDX": 1, "VOLTAGE_IDX": -1, "UPDATED": False},
    		2: {"MAC": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "TH_IDX": 2, "VOLTAGE_IDX": -1, "UPDATED": False},
    		3: {"MAC": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "TH_IDX": 3, "VOLTAGE_IDX": -1, "UPDATED": False}}

    TEMPERATURE_PREC: Accuracy of the temperature value.

    # other configuration

    LOG_FILE_NAME: The name of the log file.

    LOG_FILE_SIZE: The size of the log file in bytes.

    # Logfile configuration
    LOG_FILE_NAME = 'loginfo.log'
    LOG_FILE_SIZE = 1024	# file size in bytes
  5. Schedule the update interval

    Enable the script to run at a regular interval (5 mins):

    sudo crontab -e

    Add this line (if you use this path):

    */5 * * * * cd /home/pi/xiaomi-mi-lywsd03mmc && timeout -k 10 60 python3


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