✨ DeepTSF is designed to enable codeless machine learning operations for time series forecasting ✨
🙌 Refer to https://github.com/epu-ntua/DeepTSF/wiki/DeepTSF-documentation for the documentation 📖
To set up DeepTSF on your local system, you need clone the main branch of this repository:
git clone https://github.com/epu-ntua/DeepTSF.git
Alternatively you can use the dedicated Github release instead of cloning the main branch.
After that you need to navigate to the root directory of DeepTSF:
cd /path/to/repo/of/DeepTSF
Το enable the communication of the client with the logging servers (MLflow, Minio, Postgres), a .env file is needed. An example (.env.example) is provided, with default environment variables.
After that, you can set up a full deployment of DeepTSF using Docker.
To set up locally using docker first go to DeepTSF's root directory (inside deeptsf_backend) and rename .env.example to .env. Then run the following command in DeepTSF's root directory:
docker-compose up
DeepTSF is up and running. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and start your experiments!
For users that require advanced pipeline parameterization and functionalities such as hyperparameter tuning, a dagster based pipeline is provided. By modifying the config of deeptsf_dagster_job, the user can set all parameters described in the extensive documentation of DeepTSF. An example config file is given below:
a: 0.3
analyze_with_shap: false
convert_to_local_tz: true
country: PT
cut_date_test: "20210101"
cut_date_val: "20200101"
darts_model: LightGBM
database_name: rdn_load_data
device: gpu
eval_method: ts_ID
eval_series: eval_series
evaluate_all_ts: true
experiment_name: dagster_test
forecast_horizon: 24
format: long
from_database: false
future_covs_csv: None
future_covs_uri: None
grid_search: false
lags: [-1, -2, -14]
ignore_previous_runs: true
imputation_method: linear
loss_function: mape
m_mase: 1
max_thr: -1
min_non_nan_interval: 24
multiple: false
n_trials: 100
num_samples: 1
num_workers: 4
opt_test: false
order: 1
parent_run_name: dagster_test
past_covs_csv: None
past_covs_uri: None
pv_ensemble: false
resampling_agg_method: averaging
resolution: 1h
retrain: false
rmv_outliers: true
scale: true
scale_covs: true
series_csv: dataset-storage/Italy.csv
series_uri: None
shap_data_size: 100
shap_input_length: -1
std_dev: 4.5
stride: -1
test_end_date: None
time_covs: false
ts_used_id: None
wncutoff: 0.000694
ycutoff: 3
ydcutoff: 30
year_range: None
For a more complete guide check the extensive documentation.
This application can also be deployed in a kubernetes enviroment.
To run DeepTSF on your system you first have to install the mlflow tracking and minio server.
git clone https://github.com/epu-ntua/mlflow-tracking-server.git
cd mlflow-server
After that, you need to get the server to run
docker-compose up
The MLflow server and client may run on different computers. In this case, remember to change the addresses on the .env file.
For the extensive DeepTSF documentation please navigate to our Wiki.
[1] S. Pelekis et al., “DeepTSF: Codeless machine learning operations for time series forecasting,” SoftwareX, vol. 27, p. 101758, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.1016/J.SOFTX.2024.101758.