A R package for the use of the injury ICD-10-CM matrix and ICD-10-CM codes to define
useicd10cm, a package with functions and data for the analysis of icd-10-cm codes related primarily to injury. For injuries, it adds intent and mechanism, and ICD-10-CM code description to the inputed data.
To install and load the useicd10cm package into your working environment:
- Install the devtools package:
- Install the useicd10cm package:
- Load the package:
Using the function icd_drug_opioid()
to add non-fatal drug overdose indicators to a file with ICD-10-CM codes.
# check the data content
icd10cm_data150 %>% sample_n(10)
# get the columns with the codes of interest
diag_cols <- grep("diag|ecode", names(icd10cm_data150), ignore.case = T)
# check the data again with the additional created overdose indicators
od_data <- icd10cm_data150 %>%
icd_drug_opioid(diag_ecode_col = diag_cols)
od_data %>% sample_n(10)
For information on the function icd_drug_opioid
run this line:
For more details on the coding of drug overdose visit the Injury Toolkit
Try these lines of R codes to get intent, mechanism or their combination. In this example the function looks into two diagnosis fields. The function icd_intent_mech()
uses the [ICD-10-CM External Cause Matrix](ICD-10-CM External Cause Matrix) to determine injury intent and mechanism.
# create a dataset and run the funtion icd_intent_mech()
dat <- data.frame(d1 = c("T63023", "X92821", "X99100", "T360x"),
d2 = c("T65823", "Y030x0", "T17200", "V0100x" ))
dat %>% icd_intent_mech(inj_col = c(1,2), reference = "both")
dat %>% icd_intent_mech(inj_col = c(1,2), reference = "intent")
dat %>% icd_intent_mech(inj_col = c(1,2), reference = "mechanism")
For more details on the function icd_intent_mech()
, run: