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Scala list
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vkuncak committed Nov 5, 2022
1 parent 79218fe commit 3f4df34
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Showing 2 changed files with 84 additions and 57 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions WIP/ScalaList/ScalaList.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
object ScalaList:
sealed abstract class List[+A]:
def :: [B >: A](elem: B): List[B] = Cons(elem, this)
def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] =
this match
case Nil => Nil
case Cons(a, as) => f(a) ::

def ++[B >: A](that: List[B]): List[B] =
this match
case Nil => that
case Cons(a, as) => a :: (as ++ that)

def tail: List[A] =
require(this != Nil)
this match
case Cons(a, as) => as

def head: A =
require(this != Nil)
this match
case Cons(a, as) => a

def length: Int = {
this match
case Nil => 0
case Cons(h, t) =>
val tLen = t.length
if tLen == Int.MaxValue then tLen
else 1 + tLen
} ensuring(res => 0 <= res && res <= Int.MaxValue)

end List

case object Nil extends List[Nothing]
final case class Cons[+A](first: A, next: List[A]) extends List[A]

end ScalaList
103 changes: 46 additions & 57 deletions expression-compiler/ExpressionCompiler.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
import stainless.collection._
import stainless.lang._
import stainless.equations._
import scala.language.postfixOps

object ExprCompiler {
object ExprCompiler:
def check(b: Boolean): Unit = {
} ensuring(_ => b)

abstract class Binary {
abstract class Binary:
def apply(x: Int, y:Int): Int
case class Minus() extends Binary {

case class Minus() extends Binary:
def apply(x: Int, y:Int) = x - y
case class Plus() extends Binary {
def apply(x: Int, y:Int) = x + y
case class Times() extends Binary {

case class Plus() extends Binary:
def apply(x: Int, y:Int) = x + y

case class Times() extends Binary:
def apply(x: Int, y:Int) = x * y

sealed abstract class Expr
case class Var(str: String) extends Expr
Expand All @@ -29,13 +27,12 @@ object ExprCompiler {
type Value = Int
type Env = String => Value

def eval(en: Env)(expr: Expr): Value = {
expr match {
def eval(en: Env)(expr: Expr): Value =
expr match
case ConstExpr(c) => c
case Var(s) => en(s)
case BinExpr(left, b, right) => b(eval(en)(left), eval(en)(right))
case BinExpr(left, b, right) => b(eval(en)(left), eval(en)(right))

sealed abstract class Instr
case class Push(c: Int) extends Instr
Expand All @@ -46,75 +43,67 @@ object ExprCompiler {
type Stack = List[Value]
def push(v: Value, s: Stack): Stack = Cons(v, s)

def run(bs: Bytecodes)(en: Env, stack: Stack): Option[Stack] = {
bs match {
def run(bs: Bytecodes)(en: Env, stack: Stack): Option[Stack] =
bs match
case Nil() => Some(stack)
case Cons(Push(c), bs1) => run(bs1)(en, push(c, stack))
case Cons(Load(s), bs1) => run(bs1)(en, push(en(s), stack))
case Cons(BinOp(b), bs1) =>
stack match {
stack match
case Cons(v1, Cons(v2, stack1)) =>
run(bs1)(en, push(b(v2, v1), stack1)) // check this
case _ => None[Stack]()

def compile(expr: Expr): Bytecodes = {
expr match {
def compile(expr: Expr): Bytecodes =
expr match
case ConstExpr(c) => List[Instr](Push(c))
case Var(s) => List[Instr](Load(s))
case BinExpr(left, b, right) =>
compile(left) ++ (compile(right) ++ List[Instr](BinOp(b)))

def assoc4[A](as: List[A], bs: List[A], cs: List[A], ds: List[A]): Unit = {
ListSpecs.appendAssoc(as, bs ++ cs, ds)
ListSpecs.appendAssoc(bs, cs, ds)
} ensuring(_ => (as ++ (bs ++ cs)) ++ ds == as ++ (bs ++ (cs ++ ds)))

def assoc4[A](as: List[A], bs: List[A], cs: List[A], ds: List[A]): Boolean = {
( (as ++ (bs ++ cs)) ++ ds ==:| ListSpecs.appendAssoc(as, bs ++ cs, ds) |:
as ++ ((bs ++ cs) ++ ds) ==:| ListSpecs.appendAssoc(bs, cs, ds) |:
as ++ (bs ++ (cs ++ ds))
(as ++ (bs ++ cs)) ++ ds == as ++ (bs ++ (cs ++ ds))
// Example expression to run {{{
def expr1 = BinExpr(
BinExpr(Var("x"), Times(), Var("y")),
BinExpr(BinExpr(Var("y"), Times(), Var("z")),
BinExpr(Var("x"), Times(), Var("z"))))

def env1 : Env = { (v: String) =>
if (v == "x") 3
else if (v == "y") 4
else if (v == "z") 5
else 0
def resEval1 = eval(env1)(expr1)
def bytecodes1 = compile(expr1)
@main def resCompile1 = run(bytecodes1)(env1, List[Value]()) // }}}

// Running compiled code gives same result as interpreting
def correct(en: Env, expr: Expr, bs: Bytecodes, inStack: Stack): Unit = {
expr match {
expr match
case ConstExpr(c) => ()
case Var(s) => ()
case BinExpr(left, b, right) => {
case BinExpr(left, b, right) =>
val op = List[Instr](BinOp(b))
val vLeft = eval(en)(left)
val vRight = eval(en)(right)
val midStack = push(vLeft, inStack)
assert(eval(en)(expr) == b(vLeft, vRight))

( run(compile(expr) ++ bs)(en, inStack) ==:| trivial |:
run((compile(left) ++ (compile(right) ++ op)) ++ bs)(en, inStack) ==:| assoc4(compile(left), compile(right), op, bs) |:
run(compile(left) ++ (compile(right) ++ (op ++ bs)))(en, inStack) ==:| correct(en, left, compile(right) ++ (op ++ bs), inStack) |:
run(compile(right) ++ (op ++ bs))(en, midStack) ==:| correct(en, right, op ++ bs, midStack) |:
run(op ++ bs)(en, push(vRight, midStack)) ==:| trivial |:
run(bs)(en, push(b(vLeft, vRight), inStack)) ==:| trivial |:
run(bs)(en, push(eval(en)(expr), inStack))
} ensuring(_ => run(compile(expr) ++ bs)(en, inStack) == run(bs)(en, push(eval(en)(expr), inStack)))

def expr1 = BinExpr(
BinExpr(Var("x"), Times(), Var("y")),
BinExpr(BinExpr(Var("y"), Times(), Var("z")),
BinExpr(Var("x"), Times(), Var("z"))))

def env1 : Env = { (v: String) =>
if (v == "x") 3
else if (v == "y") 4
else if (v == "z") 5
else 0
def resEval1 = eval(env1)(expr1)

def bytecodes1 = compile(expr1)
def resCompile1 = run(bytecodes1)(env1, List[Value]())
end ExprCompiler

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