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Earthdata Pub API

This is the api code repository for Earthdata Pub.

Table of Contents


See for instruction for contributing to the EDPub project. Be sure to read that before submitting pull requests.


The following are required for following the packaging and deploying steps:

  • Amazon AWS An AWS account is required for live deployment.
  • Terraform AWS components are provisioned using Terraform v1.0.0.
  • Node.js AWS Lambda functions and layers are implemented in Node.js 18.14.1. The Node Package Manager is also required but included with a standard Node.js installation.
  • Docker Docker is used to create the local test environment including the following services Postgresql, PgAdmin, GoAws for mocking SNS and SQS, Node OASTools for serving the API.


The first step is to clone the repo!

git clone
cd api
npm install

Building and running locally

To build and run a local instance execute:

npm run build:local

This will install required dependencies in the submodules, aggregate the schema models and insert them in the OpenAPI spec, and copy the database bootstrapping scripts to the DatabaseUtil module.

To launch your local instance execute:

npm run start

or to run the containers in detached mode:

npm run start:detached

The start script is just a proxy for:

docker-compose up

which will launch the containers defined in docker-compose.yml.

Upon the first startup, the Postgres container will run all of the setup scripts and seed the tables with basic data. Listed here are some QOL tag-ons to the local instance of the API.

  • /auth This is an authentication endpoint that mimics the behavior of Cognito, but allows you to choose a test user from a dropdown list, and register new test users.
  • /reseed This is an endpoint that triggers a reseed of the database to prevent the need to prune docker volumes to force the Postgres container to rerun the setup.
  • /goaws/ The endpoints under here expose the backend SNS consumers and wraps incoming requests to imitate SNS triggered lambda events.
  • pgAdmin This helps with trouble-shooting queries and browsing data in your database. In a browser navigate to http://localhost:8001
    • Log in with:
      Email: [email protected]
      Password: edpub,
    • Right click Servers->Create->Server... Use the following values to initiate the connection:
      Name: edpub
      Host: postgres
      Username: edpub
      Password: edpub


Deployment is handled by Bamboo. See Bamboo config for details. The deprecated Build and Deploy to AWS is available if Bamboo fails.


Jest is used for unit testing Lambda functions and Lambda layers. Jest configuration is located in jest.config.js.

npm run test

ESLint is used for linting. It adheres to the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide with a few exceptions. The configuration can be viewed in eslint.config.json.

npm run lint

Output from these commands in formatted for Bamboo for use in the CI/CD pipeline.


Earthdata Pub leverages SwaggerUI and JSDoc for developer documentation. Static site documentation for each is generated during the build step and placed in the docs folder and as a zipped file in the artifacts folder.

Optionally you can generate documentation without building.

npm run generate-docs