Axel-cli is the companion app to the Axel framework.
You can install it with yarn or npm
npm install -g axel-cli
yarn global add axel-cli
$ npm install -g axel-cli
$ axel COMMAND
running command...
$ axel (-v|--version|version)
axel-cli/0.35.1 darwin-x64 node-v14.21.2
$ axel --help [COMMAND]
$ axel COMMAND
axel admin:eject
axel db:import
axel db:sync
axel generate TARGET
axel generate:api NAME
axel generate:controller NAME
axel generate:hook NAME
axel generate:model NAME
axel generate:route NAME
axel generate:test NAME
axel help [COMMAND]
axel init [NAME]
axel new [NAME]
Generate sequelize models and json schemas from database
Generate sequelize models and json schemas from database
$ axel admin:eject
-f, --force Overwrite admin if present before recreating them (Do not use in production...)
-h, --help show CLI help
-n, --name=name Name to use for the admin panel folder
See code: src/commands/admin/eject.ts
Generate sequelize models and json schemas from database
Generate sequelize models and json schemas from database
$ axel db:import
-f, --force Overwrite models if present before recreating them (Do not use in production...)
-h, --help show CLI help
-s, --schemas Also generate schemas
-t, --tables=tables list of tables to import
See code: src/commands/db/import.ts
Sync sequelize models to the database
Sync sequelize models to the database
$ axel db:sync
-a, --alter Alter table columns if they already exist.
-f, --force Drop tables before recreating them (Do not use in production...
-h, --help show CLI help
-m, --match=match name of database to match (ex: _test)
-s, --silent Do not ask for confirmation
-t, --tables=tables name of table to sync (ex: user)
See code: src/commands/db/sync.ts
Generate various documents for your axel project
Generate various documents for your axel project
$ axel generate TARGET
-f, --force
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --type= [default: sql] type of project
See code: src/commands/generate.ts
Generate an api for your axel project
Generate an api for your axel project
$ axel generate:api NAME
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --interactive
-t, --type=sql|mongo [default: sql] type of database
--fields=fields List of fields to declare in the model
--force Whether to generate schema model also when generating an sql model
--with-schema Whether to generate schema model also when generating an sql model
See code: src/commands/generate/api.ts
Generate a controller for your axel project
Generate a controller for your axel project
$ axel generate:controller NAME
-f, --force
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --type=sql|mongo|bare (required) type of project
See code: src/commands/generate/controller.ts
Generate an api hook for your axel project
Generate an api hook for your axel project
$ axel generate:hook NAME
-f, --force
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/generate/hook.ts
Generate a model for your axel project
Generate a model for your axel project
$ axel generate:model NAME
-f, --force
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --interactive
-t, --types=sql|schema|all (required) type of project
--fields=fields List of fields to declare
--from-sequelize Generate the schema from the sequelize model
See code: src/commands/generate/model.ts
Generate an api for your axel project
Generate an api for your axel project
$ axel generate:route NAME
-h, --help show CLI help
-s, --secure=secure Add secure policies to the app
See code: src/commands/generate/route.ts
Generate an api test for your axel project
Generate an api test for your axel project
$ axel generate:test NAME
-f, --force
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --type=bare|full (required) type of test
See code: src/commands/generate/test.ts
display help for axel
display help for <%= config.bin %>
$ axel help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
describe the command here
describe the command here
$ axel init [NAME]
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/init.ts
Create a new axel project.
Create a new axel project.
- Download the zip of project
- Unzip it,
- install peer dependencies,
- Place relevant crud controller, auth controller, and Authservices according to the database system.
$ axel new [NAME]
-h, --help show CLI help
-n, --type=mongodb|sql name to print
-s, --silent Silent
- Download the zip of project
- Unzip it,
- install peer dependencies,
- Place relevant crud controller, auth controller, and Authservices according to the database system.
See code: src/commands/new.ts
Generate models, routes, controllers and api
Init a project
Generate models from the sequelize-auto template
Hook into sequelize cli commands
use config from rc files to locate folders
Generate mongo controllers
Generate bare controllers
Generate bare controllers
Custom models folder
Better associations How to define relationships =>
use primary from config when generating models