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Merge pull request #5 from env0/feat-local-added-inline-existing
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Feature: local variable for added tags, safer inline for existing tags
  • Loading branch information
roni-frantchi authored Jan 13, 2020
2 parents 4aa72d0 + 2cad981 commit 5724e81
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 61 deletions.
203 changes: 142 additions & 61 deletions main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,16 +89,28 @@ func setFlag(flag string, defaultValue string) string {

func tagFileResources(path string, dir string, tags string, tfVersion int) {
log.Print("Processing file ", path)
src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
panicOnError(err, nil)

_, filename := filepath.Split(path)
filename = strings.TrimSuffix(filename, filepath.Ext(path))
filename = strings.ReplaceAll(filename, ".", "-")

file, diagnostics := hclwrite.ParseConfig(src, path, hcl.InitialPos)
if diagnostics.HasErrors() {
hclErrors := diagnostics.Errs()

terratag := TerratagLocal{
Found: map[string]hclwrite.Tokens{},
Added: tags,

anyTagged := false
var swappedTagsStrings []string

for _, block := range file.Body().Blocks() {
if block.Type() == "resource" {
resourceType := block.Labels()[0]
Expand All @@ -106,16 +119,24 @@ func tagFileResources(path string, dir string, tags string, tfVersion int) {
isTaggable := isTaggable(dir, resourceType)

if isTaggable {
swappedTagsStrings = tagResource(block, tags, swappedTagsStrings, tfVersion)
swappedTagsStrings = append(swappedTagsStrings, tagResource(filename, terratag, block, tfVersion))
anyTagged = true
} else {
log.Print("Resource not taggable, skipping. ")

if swappedTagsStrings != nil {
if anyTagged {
locals := file.Body().AppendNewBlock("locals", nil)

locals.Body().SetAttributeValue(getTerratagAddedKey(filename), cty.StringVal(terratag.Added))

text := string(file.Bytes())

swappedTagsStrings = append(swappedTagsStrings, terratag.Added)
text = unquoteTagsAttribute(swappedTagsStrings, text)

replaceWithTerratagFile(path, text)
Expand All @@ -129,7 +150,7 @@ func panicOnError(err error, moreInfo *string) {
if moreInfo != nil {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,93 +182,148 @@ func unquoteTagsAttribute(swappedTagsStrings []string, text string) string {
return text

func tagResource(block *hclwrite.Block, tags string, swappedTagsStrings []string, tfVersion int) []string {
func tagResource(filename string, terratag TerratagLocal, resource *hclwrite.Block, tfVersion int) string {
log.Print("Resource taggable, processing...")

tagsAttribute := block.Body().GetAttribute("tags")
hasExistingTags := moveExistingTags(filename, terratag, resource)

mergedTags := mergeTags(tagsAttribute, tags, tfVersion)
tagsValue := ""
if hasExistingTags {
tagsValue = "merge( " + getExistingTagsExpression(terratag.Found[getResourceExistingTagsKey(filename, resource)]) + ", local." + getTerratagAddedKey(filename) + ")"
} else {
tagsValue = "local." + getTerratagAddedKey(filename)

block.Body().SetAttributeValue("tags", cty.StringVal(mergedTags))
if tfVersion == 11 {
tagsValue = "${" + tagsValue + "}"

swappedTagsStrings = append(swappedTagsStrings, mergedTags)
return swappedTagsStrings
resource.Body().SetAttributeValue("tags", cty.StringVal(tagsValue))

func mergeTags(tagsAttribute *hclwrite.Attribute, tags string, tfVersion int) string {
existingTags := ""
mergedTags := ""
return tagsValue

if tagsAttribute != nil {
log.Print("Preexisting tags found on resource. Merging.")
existingTags = string(tagsAttribute.Expr().BuildTokens(hclwrite.Tokens{}).Bytes())
func getExistingTagsExpression(tokens hclwrite.Tokens) string {
if isHclMap(tokens) {
return buildMapExpression(tokens)
} else {
return stringifyExpression(tokens)

switch tfVersion {
case 11:
if existingTags == "" {
existingTags = "map()"
existingTags = convertExistingTagsToFunctionParameter(existingTags)
func isHclMap(tokens hclwrite.Tokens) bool {
maybeHclMap := strings.TrimSpace(string(tokens.Bytes()))
return strings.HasPrefix(maybeHclMap, "{") && strings.HasSuffix(maybeHclMap, "}")

mergedTags = "${ merge(" + existingTags + ", " + convertHclMapToHclMapFunction(tags) + " ) }"
case 12:
if existingTags == "" {
existingTags = "{}"
func buildMapExpression(tokens hclwrite.Tokens) string {
// Need to convert to inline map expression

// First, we remove the first and last two tokens - get rid of the openning { closing } and newline
tokens = tokens[1:]
tokens = tokens[:len(tokens)-2]

// Then, we normalize the key-value paris so that they would be seperated by comma
// That's cause HCL supports both newline, comma or a combination of the two in seperating values
// This will make it easier to split the key-value pairs later
var tokensToRemove hclwrite.Tokens
for i, token := range tokens {
if token.Type == hclsyntax.TokenNewline {
// make sure there is (or was) no comma before
if i > 0 && tokens[i-1].Type != hclsyntax.TokenComma && !funk.Contains(tokensToRemove, tokens[i-1]) {
tokens[i] = &hclwrite.Token{
Type: hclsyntax.TokenComma,
Bytes: []byte(","),
SpacesBefore: 1,
} else { // if there is, we should remove this new line, so we'll only have the comma
tokensToRemove = append(tokensToRemove, token)

mergedTags = "merge(" + existingTags + ", " + tags + ")"

return mergedTags
// Remove tall the new lines we marked for removal
for _, tokenToRemove := range tokensToRemove {
indexToRemove := funk.IndexOf(tokens, tokenToRemove)
tokens = append(tokens[:indexToRemove], tokens[indexToRemove+1:]...)

func convertExistingTagsToFunctionParameter(existingTags string) string {
existingTags = strings.TrimSpace(existingTags)
if isHcl1Placeholder(existingTags) {
existingTags = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(existingTags, "\"${"), "}\"")
} else if isHclMap(existingTags) {
existingTags = convertHclMapToHclMapFunction(existingTags)
// At this point there should be no new lines, only a single comma seperating between key values
// Since the map() gets a flat set of pairs as map("key1","value1","key2","value2"),
// we can just replace any assignment operator (=) with comma
for i, token := range tokens {
if token.Type == hclsyntax.TokenEqual {
tokens[i] = &hclwrite.Token{
Type: hclsyntax.TokenComma,
Bytes: []byte(","),
SpacesBefore: token.SpacesBefore,
return existingTags

func convertHclMapToHclMapFunction(hclMap string) string {
hclMapFunction := "map("
mapContent := string(tokens.Bytes())
mapContent = strings.TrimSpace(mapContent)
mapContent = strings.TrimSuffix(mapContent, ",") // remove any traling commas due to newline replaced
return "map(" + mapContent + ")"

hclMap = strings.TrimPrefix(hclMap, "{")
hclMap = strings.TrimSuffix(hclMap, "}")
func stringifyExpression(tokens hclwrite.Tokens) string {
expression := strings.TrimSpace(string(tokens.Bytes()))
// may be wrapped with ${ } in TF11
expression = strings.TrimPrefix(expression, "${")
expression = strings.TrimSuffix(expression, "${")

keyValues := strings.Split(hclMap, ",")
return expression

var functionVariables []string
func moveExistingTags(filename string, terratag TerratagLocal, resource *hclwrite.Block) bool {
var existingTags hclwrite.Tokens

for _, keyValue := range keyValues {
pair := strings.Split(keyValue, "=")
key := strings.TrimSpace(pair[0])
value := strings.TrimSpace(pair[1])
// First we try to find tags as attribute
tagsAttribute := resource.Body().GetAttribute("tags")

if !(strings.HasPrefix(key, "\"") && strings.HasSuffix(key, "\"")) {
key = "\"" + key + "\""
if tagsAttribute != nil {
// If attribute found, get its value
log.Print("Preexisting tags ATTRIBUTE found on resource. Merging.")
existingTags = tagsAttribute.Expr().BuildTokens(hclwrite.Tokens{})
} else {
// Otherwise, we try to get tags as block
tagsBlock := resource.Body().FirstMatchingBlock("tags", nil)
if tagsBlock != nil {
quaotedTagBlock := quoteBlockKeys(tagsBlock)
existingTags = funk.Tail(quaotedTagBlock.BuildTokens(hclwrite.Tokens{})).(hclwrite.Tokens)
// If we did get tags from block, we will now remove that block, as we're going to add a merged tags ATTRIBUTE
removeBlockResult := resource.Body().RemoveBlock(tagsBlock)
if removeBlockResult == false {
log.Fatal("Failed to remove found tags block!")

functionVariables = append(functionVariables, key)
functionVariables = append(functionVariables, value)

hclMapFunction = hclMapFunction + strings.Join(functionVariables, ", ") + ")"
if existingTags != nil {
terratag.Found[getResourceExistingTagsKey(filename, resource)] = existingTags
return true
return false

return hclMapFunction
func quoteBlockKeys(tagsBlock *hclwrite.Block) *hclwrite.Block {
// In HCL, block keys must NOT be quoted
// But we need them to be, as we throw them into a map() function as strings
quaotedTagBlock := hclwrite.NewBlock(tagsBlock.Type(), tagsBlock.Labels())
for key, value := range tagsBlock.Body().Attributes() {
quaotedTagBlock.Body().SetAttributeRaw("\""+key+"\"", value.Expr().BuildTokens(hclwrite.Tokens{}))
return quaotedTagBlock

func isHclMap(existingTags string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(existingTags, "{") && strings.HasSuffix(existingTags, "}")
func getTerratagAddedKey(filname string) string {
return "terratag_added_" + filname

func isHcl1Placeholder(existingTags string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(existingTags, "\"${") && strings.HasSuffix(existingTags, "}\"")
func getResourceExistingTagsKey(filename string, resource *hclwrite.Block) string {
delimiter := "__"
return "terratag_found_" + filename + delimiter + strings.Join(resource.Labels(), delimiter)

func isTaggable(dir string, resourceType string) bool {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,3 +356,8 @@ type TfSchemaAttribute struct {
Name string
Type string

type TerratagLocal struct {
Found map[string]hclwrite.Tokens
Added string

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