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Savegame file

Enrique Somolinos Pérez edited this page May 25, 2017 · 1 revision

Savegame files are crypted using the first byte of the file. To kwon how to decrypt the file see

The file structure is:

Offset (byte) Size (bytes) Information
0 1 Crypt key
1 1 Driver id
2 1 Use weapons (true-false)
3 1 Dificulty (1-3)
4 15 Savegame name
19 108*20 Drivers's data

Driver's data is as follows:

Offset (byte) Size (bytes) Information
0 12 Name
12 4 Damage
16 4 Engine upgrade (0-4)
20 4 Tyre upgrade (0-4)
24 4 Armour upgrade (0-4)
28 4 Car type(0-5)
32 4 ?
36 4 ?
40 4 ?
44 4 Colour
48 4 Money
52 4 Loan Type
56 4 Loan races left
60 4 Actual car value
64 4 Face id
68 4 Points
72 4 Rank
76 4 Races won
80 4 Total races
84 4 ?
88 4 Total income
92 4 Mines purchased
96 4 Spikes purchased
100 4 Rocket purchased
104 4 Sabotage purchased

In order to crypt the file you can use:

With this information and tools you can make a savegame editor and give drivers all upgrades to have a nice experience in hard difficulty!

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