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Criminal Stats Dashboard for Mexico 🚔📊

Welcome to my project's README! This is where you get a sneak peek into Mexico crime data. 🦸‍♂️🇲🇽

Crimes Per Geographical Region

What's This All About? 🤔

The goal? Simple. We're building a dashboard to showcase criminal stats in Mexico. It's a blend of cool tech, data magic, and a sprinkle of detective work. 🔍💻

Tech Stack 🛠️

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

    • Dataproc: Sparkin' up those data jobs.
    • Google Cloud Storage: Where our data calls home.
    • BigQuery: Our data warehouse chill spot.
    • Compute Engine: Hosting a VM for our shenanigans.
  • Apache Airflow: The conductor orchestrating our data symphony.

  • DBT (Data Build Tool): Crafting our data models with finesse. 🔨

  • Docker: Wrapping Airflow, DBT, and friends in neat little containers. 🐳

  • Terraform: Building castles in the cloud (GCP). 🏰

How Does It All Fit Together? 🧩

Imagine a world where data flows like a river, getting processed, stored, and visualized seamlessly. That's our game plan! 🌊📈

Architecture Diagram

Data Flow Overview 🌊

Our data journey is like riding a wave 🏄‍♂️—it starts with a splash and ends with a splashier insight! Here's the lowdown:

  1. Data Ingestion 🚀:

    • Raw data rides in from all corners of Mexico, packing juicy details about crimes, locations, and times. Think of it as our data surfers catching the gnarliest waves of info.
    • We scoop up this data and stash it in our beachfront hangout: Google Cloud Storage (GCS). It's like the cool surf shack where all the rad data hangs out.
  2. Data Processing 🌊:

    • Time to ride the wave! With Apache Airflow as our wave master, we shred through tasks like data cleanup, transformation, and enrichment. 🤙
    • Spark jobs on Google Dataproc clusters do the heavy lifting, turning raw data into polished pearls ready for analysis.
  3. Data Storage 🏄‍♀️:

    • Our polished pearls make their way to the BigQuery beach house, where they chillax in structured tables. BigQuery is our go-to spot for sippin' on SQL queries and soaking up insights.
    • Sometimes, we stash intermediate goodies here too, for quick access during our surfing sessions.
  4. Data Modeling 💪:

    • Now it's time to sculpt! With DBT (Data Build Tool), we mold our data into sleek, well-defined shapes. Think of it as giving our insights a killer beach bod.
    • SQL magic in DBT transforms our data, adding layers of meaning and depth, turning raw numbers into stories worth telling.
  5. Data Visualization 🌊:

    • Hang on tight, 'cause here come the waves of insight! 🌊 We hop on LookerStudio visualization tool to craft custom dashboards to ride those data waves.
    • Interactive dashboards make it a breeze for everyone to catch a glimpse of the big kahuna: key metrics, trends, and patterns in Mexico's crime scene.

And that's how we roll—riding the data waves, catching insights, and turning them into action-packed adventures in the world of Mexican crime stats! 🔍

DataLake & DataWarehouse

DataWarehouse Overview



Getting Started 🚀

  1. Clone Me:

    git clone
  2. Get Things Ready:

     cd dez-project-emi

    Set up your environment (you got this!).

  3. Hook Up GCP:

    • Spin up a GCP project.
    • Flip those API switches (Dataproc, BigQuery, LookerStudio).
    • Make some service accounts dance to your tune. Here is an example of the roles you will need

    Service Account_roles

    - Create a Key for that service account and save it.
  4. Fire Up Terraform: Open terraform/ and replace this variables for the ones that fits you better such as your service account and secret .json file.

    cd terraform
    terraform init
    terraform apply
  5. Connect to VM

    • Open Google Cloud Console and get the external ip of your VM.
    • Connect to it using:
    ssh -i <path/to/ssh/private/key> <username>@<external_ip_address>
    • If got the following error message:
    Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
    It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
    The fingerprint for the ED25519 key sent by the remote host is

    you can run:

    ssh-keygen -R <external_ip_address>
  6. Install Docker:

    • From the project directory simply run
    • Then run the following commands:
    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    newgrp docker
    docker run hello-world
  7. Set up Airflow ENV Variables

    • Open the airflow/airflow.env and modify the following variables:
    # Params to touch
    • Run the following command in order to create the Dockerfile:
  8. Launch Airflow:

    • Dockerize Airflow. Change the following line of the file ./airflow/scripts/
    airflow db init


    airflow db reset
    • Blast off using Docker Compose or Kubernetes.

Let's Roll! 🎲

  1. Start Airflow:

    Get those Airflow gears turning.


  2. Check Out the UI:

    • Visit http://localhost:8080.
    • Dive into the DAGs and hit play!
  3. Explore the Dashboard:

    • Access our crime-busting dashboard via the provided link. Crimes Per Geographical Region

Wanna Join the Adventure? 🦸‍♀️

We're all about teamwork! If you're itching to hop on board, here's how:

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Cook up your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature).
  3. Add your magic (git commit -am 'Added awesome stuff').
  4. Push it like you mean it (git push origin feature/YourFeature).
  5. Open that sweet, sweet Pull Request.

Legal Stuff 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License. Go ahead, have fun with it!


Repository for the Data Engineering Zoomcamp Project.







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