The Bash Debugger Project is a source-code debugger for bash that allows:
- start your script, specifying something that might affect its behavior
- step-by-step execution
- examine what has happened, when your script has stopped
- make your script stop on specified conditions (breakpoints)
- managing the status of the script (variables)
Execute the script to build the .jar file
./gradlew clean build
Example of simple executing:
java -jar build/libs/bashdb-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar -d [script path]
Show help:
java -jar build/libs/bashdb-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar -h
-d - [--script-path] debug mode
-b - [--bash-path] bash path
-h - print CLI help
CLI in debug mode
\n - continue script execution
exit - stop script execution
env - get stack of variables in script
env -f - get stack of variables
help - get all available commands
The contents of this repository are covered under the GNU General Public License v3.0